Saturday, July 27


36 Dead after Collapse of Apartments Building in Cambodia
Asia, International, News

36 Dead after Collapse of Apartments Building in Cambodia

36 people died in the Asian country of Cambodia when a seven-storey apartment building collapsed. The building was still under construction.   23 people were brought alive from under the rubble. The building under construction collapsed on Friday. Today the search for victims and survivors has ended. Among the dead are a lot of workers who were working on-site, but also women and children who ended up under the rubble. The accident occurred in the province of Kep, in southern Cambodia. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen today visited survivors in the local hospital. Some are seriously injured and are in danger of death. The cause of the disaster is still being investigated. In June of last year, 28 people died in a similar drama elsewhere in the country.
Bomb Attack in Somalia: At Least 100 Dead and Several Injured
International, News, Somalia

Bomb Attack in Somalia: At Least 100 Dead and Several Injured

In a car bomb attack, at a busy checkpoint in the Somali capital Mogadishu, at least 100 people were killed today and several people were injured.   "There are more victims, and the death toll will certainly increase," said an ambulance service spokesperson in the country. According to a police spokesperson, a tax office was the target of the attack during the busy morning rush hour. The dozens of wounded, including some children, were taken directly to the hospital. Furthermore, it was mainly university students who travelled by bus that fell victim to the attack. Witnesses describe a bloodbath. The only things I saw were dead bodies. Due to the enormous explosion, some bodies were so severely burned that they are no longer recognisable, Sakariye Abdukadir tells BBC. The respon...
Algerians Boycott Presidential Elections: Only 20 Percent Start Voting
Algeria, International, News

Algerians Boycott Presidential Elections: Only 20 Percent Start Voting

In Algeria, the inhabitants do not seem to feel like the first round of the presidential election. The democratic opposition boycotts those elections because almost all five candidates have or have had ties with the regime that has been in power since 1962.   The elections should typically have taken place in April this year but were postponed following the popular protest that forced former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign. Since then, a power struggle has been going on between the parties behind the popular protest and the army summit, which is now in control. There are five candidates for the presidency, but according to the opposition, they all have links with the Bouteflika regime or the parties that are now in power together: the socialist FLN - which has been in con...
Five Dead and Several Injured after Volcano Eruption in New Zealand
International, New Zealand, News

Five Dead and Several Injured after Volcano Eruption in New Zealand

At least five people were killed in a volcano eruption in New Zealand, and about 20 people were injured. Several people are still missing, how much is not clear for the time being.   The volcano erupted on White Island, an uninhabited island in northeastern New Zealand that is popular with tourists. According to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, there were around 100 people near the island when the volcano erupted at 2.17 pm local time. This concerns both New Zealand and foreign tourists, but precise nationalities have not yet been announced. At least five people were killed in the outburst. The police confirm that. At least 31 people were injured. Four people were admitted to hospital with burn wounds. According to local media, the wounded may be passengers of a cruise ...
Zuckerberg Criticizes Companies That Bow To China
International, News, Tech

Zuckerberg Criticizes Companies That Bow To China

Zuckerberg criticises Companies that bow to China. In a speech, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has criticised companies that are adapting to the values of China. "Is that the internet what we want?"   During a speech at Georgetown University, Mark Zuckerberg expressed concerns about American companies censoring themselves by adapting to China. The CEO of Facebook states that China then sets the rules for opinions and innovation in the rest of the world. The speech was broadcast live via Facebook. The day before, Zuckerberg announced the speech: "It is an unfiltered view of how I feel about these questions." Possibly in response to the earlier leaked audio recordings on which an unfiltered Mark Zuckerberg could be heard. TipTok In his speech, Zuckerberg compared the popular apps W...
Donald Trump Has Completely Had It With Beyoncé
International, News, US

Donald Trump Has Completely Had It With Beyoncé

Donald Trump has Completely had it with Beyoncé. President Donald Trump played hard on Thursday evening for Beyoncé and Bruce Springsteen.   The Republican taunted the stars because of their appearances during the election campaign of his opponent Hillary Clinton in 2016. Donald Trump did not comment on the many investigations that go to him for a possible impeachment procedure,  among other things because of a conversation with the Ukrainian president about his political rival Joe Biden. But he did a good job at the artists who supported Clinton in the presidential race. It was not clear why this time, Trump was precisely talking about Beyoncé and Bruce Springsteen about an event from at least three years ago. "I didn't need Beyoncé and Jay-Z, and certainly not Bruce Springste...
The Ship Ocean Viking has Rescued 81 Migrants off the Coast of Libya
International, Libya, News

The Ship Ocean Viking has Rescued 81 Migrants off the Coast of Libya

The crew of the ship Ocean Viking has rescued 81 migrants off the coast of Libya on Sunday. This means that there are now 251 rescued people on board.   The predominantly Sudanese young men had left Libya on Saturday in a blue rubber boat. They cheered when they saw the ship coming from Médecins Sans Frontières and SOS Méditerranée. The Ocean Viking patrols international waters near Libya. This North African country is known as an essential starting point for migrants who want to reach Europe. They often try to cross the Mediterranean with boats that are not seaworthy. The fate of rescued migrants creates tension within Europe. Countries regularly discuss who is responsible for the reception. At the moment there are also about 160 migrants on board the Open ship Arms of the Spani...
Record Fine Of 183 Million Pounds For British Airways
International, News, UK

Record Fine Of 183 Million Pounds For British Airways

Record Fine of 183 million pounds for British Airways after a Data Breach. British Airways is fined 183 million pounds.   The British airline is fined because data from hundreds of thousands of customers were captured during a data breach last year. It is the highest fine ever given in the UK for a data breach, according to the reports. The British privacy watchdog ICO can impose such penalties since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been introduced in Europe. "But" 500,000 pounds fine Previously, the fines were much lower. In the UK, Facebook was then fined 500,000 pounds for the company's role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. That was the maximum fine that the British regulator could impose. Data from about 1 million users in the UK was then captured. If...
Facebook: we are not invited to social media top in White House
International, News, US

Facebook: we are not invited to social media top in White House

Facebook: we are not invited to social media top in the White House. The White House is organising a social media summit on Thursday, where President Donald Trump will also speak.   Remarkably, Facebook, the largest social media company in the world, has not received an invitation. According to the reports, Facebook had asked if the company had received an invitation. Why the company was not invited is unclear. Another significant social media company,  Twitter, did not want to answer the question of whether it was invited and whether it would participate in the top. Google did not respond directly to questions. According to the announcement, the summit is intended to "bring digital leaders together for a robust conversation,  about the chances and challenges of today's onlin...
Apple Moves Production Of Mac Pro
Business, International, News, Tech

Apple Moves Production Of Mac Pro

Apple Moves production of Mac Pro from the US to China. The production of the new Mac Pro, the only major Apple product made in the US, is relocated to China, according to the reports. The decision will be against the sore leg of President Trump,  who has regularly challenged Apple in recent years because he says the company does not produce enough products in the United States. Also, with import duties on goods produced in China,  the US president is trying to make it more attractive to relocate production to the US. Labour costs Since 2013, Apple has had Macs made again in the United States, in Austin, Texas. When Apple announced that the company would still produce computers in America, Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that it was impossible to relocate all production to the US. Not ...