Saturday, July 27


Heavy Rain Floods Emergency Tents in Turkish Disaster Area: Disaster Still Continues
Asia, News, Turkey

Heavy Rain Floods Emergency Tents in Turkish Disaster Area: Disaster Still Continues

Heavy rains in southeastern Turkey, where tens of thousands of people died after major earthquakes last month, are now causing inconvenience to survivors. Water has entered tents assigned to displaced people in Iskenderun, Hatay province. The DHA news agency reports this. Opposition politician Canan Kaftancioglu shared a video on Twitter showing a woman crying with a floor squeegee, trying to get the water out of her tent. Kaftancioglu denounces that people are still not housed in containers more than a month after the earthquake. She also said that there are still those who do not have tents. “After the disaster, the disaster continues,” she wrote. Five weeks ago, earthquakes in the Syrian-Turkish border area killed more than 48,000 people in Turkey alone. As a result, hundr...
Iran Denies That It Has Enriched Uranium Beyond 60 Percent
Asia, Iran, News

Iran Denies That It Has Enriched Uranium Beyond 60 Percent

Iran denied on Monday that it would have enriched uranium to 84 percent. The country is responding to reports on Sunday that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is in talks with Iran after it discovered uranium with enrichment levels just below 90 percent. A purity of 90 percent is enough to make a nuclear bomb. This information is "a distortion of the facts. So far, we have not made any attempt to enrich beyond 60 percent," Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for Iran's nuclear energy organization, said Monday, according to the official agency IRNA. He said that "the presence of particles above 60 percent does not mean enrichment (uranium) above 60 percent." According to the Bloomberg news agency, citing two diplomatic sources, IAEA inspectors have yet to determine wheth...
Record Number of Corona Infections in India
Asia, India, News

Record Number of Corona Infections in India

In India, the number of corona infections is rapidly going in the wrong direction. On Sunday, the country broke a worrying record.   India had 170,000 new corona infections, more than the United States and Brazil combined. More contagious virus mutations have also been found in the Asian country. Right now, vaccination production is running out. India plays a crucial role in the global fight against the coronavirus. "First of all, because of its size," said epidemiologist Ramanan Laxminarayan. One-sixth of the world's population lives in India. "If it isn't over in India, it won't be over anywhere." In addition, India is the world's pharmaceutical company. 60 percent of all vaccines are produced in India. For example, India has exported 64.5 million doses of corona vaccine to 85 ...
The Death Toll of Collapsed Flat in India is Rising
Asia, India, News

The Death Toll of Collapsed Flat in India is Rising

At least eleven people were killed when a flat in India collapsed on Monday evening. Twenty to seventy people were buried under the rubble.   Sixty people have now been rescued from the havoc, including a 4-year-old boy. It was freed from the rubble on Tuesday with loud cheers and placed on a stretcher. Three rescue teams with sniffer dogs worked all night. The residential tower in Mahad, in which approximately two hundred people lived in 47 apartments, collapsed like a house of cards, police said. Family members desperately search for their loved ones under the concrete and stone, calling out their names in the hope of a response. Authorities say many residents have likely been spared for fleeing the city south of Mumbai due to the corona epidemic. No one knows precisely how many...
Aeroplane With 98 Passengers Crashed in Pakistan, Possibly Two Survivors
Asia, News, Pakistan

Aeroplane With 98 Passengers Crashed in Pakistan, Possibly Two Survivors

A Pakistani International Airlines plane crashed near the port city of Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. The spokesman for the aviation authorities reported this.   The plane had 91 passengers and 7 crew members. Two occupants may have survived the crash. According to witnesses, the plane attempted to land two or three times. Then it crashed in a densely populated residential area in Karachi, near Jinnah International Airport. It is not yet clear how many people died. First, Mayor of Karachi, Waseem Akhtar, announced that none of the occupants would have survived the crash. After that, the aviation authorities announced that two passengers were still alive. The government is holding onto a survivor for now. It is not yet known how many people were killed and injured in the resid...
Turkish Government Announces Lockdown Around Public Holiday
Asia, News, Turkey

Turkish Government Announces Lockdown Around Public Holiday

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced a four-day lockdown across Turkey in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus.   The lockdown should prevent people from flocking to celebrate the Islamic Sugar Feast of breaking the fast. The holiday Eid al-Fitr is the end of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. This falls on the evening of May 23 and the following day this year. But according to Erdogan, major prayer meetings may not be held in mosques until May 29. Turkey has already diagnosed more than 150,000 infections and more than 4,000 patients have died from the effects of the virus. About 110,000 patients have already been cured. On Monday, 1150 infections were diagnosed in 24 hours. The virus has reached its peak in Turkey. 1.6 million tests have already been car...
Japan Also Issues Arrest Warrant for Wife of Fallen Car Magnate Ghosn
Asia, Japan, News

Japan Also Issues Arrest Warrant for Wife of Fallen Car Magnate Ghosn

Japan has also issued an arrest warrant for the wife of car magnate Carlos Ghosn. Various Japanese media report this. Carole Ghosn, who is currently in Lebanon with her husband, is suspected of perjury.   Carlos Ghosn, who was in charge of Nissan and Renault, among others, managed to escape from Japan at the end of December where he was under house arrest. He is suspected of financial malpractice and was awaiting trial. An arrest warrant had already been issued against him. Ghosn was not allowed to have contact with his wife, because the authorities believed that she had helped him to cover up his crimes. That would have been the last straw for Ghosn in his decision to flee. Ghosn previously denied that his wife or his family played a role in his escape. Ghosn suddenly appeared ...
36 Dead after Collapse of Apartments Building in Cambodia
Asia, International, News

36 Dead after Collapse of Apartments Building in Cambodia

36 people died in the Asian country of Cambodia when a seven-storey apartment building collapsed. The building was still under construction.   23 people were brought alive from under the rubble. The building under construction collapsed on Friday. Today the search for victims and survivors has ended. Among the dead are a lot of workers who were working on-site, but also women and children who ended up under the rubble. The accident occurred in the province of Kep, in southern Cambodia. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen today visited survivors in the local hospital. Some are seriously injured and are in danger of death. The cause of the disaster is still being investigated. In June of last year, 28 people died in a similar drama elsewhere in the country.
Highest Jurisdiction in Turkey: Wikipedia Blocking is Illegal
Asia, News, Turkey

Highest Jurisdiction in Turkey: Wikipedia Blocking is Illegal

The Constitutional Court, the highest jurisdiction in Turkey, on Thursday, found illegal access to the Wikipedia internet cyclopaedia blocked by the government.   In April 2017, the Turkish government blocked all access to Wikipedia for "national security reasons". The cause was two articles that established a link between Ankara and extremist organisations. The Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organisation behind the website, appealed this. With a majority of ten against six members, the Constitutional Court ultimately ruled that the blocking is against freedom of expression enshrined in the constitution of Turkey. A court of the first instance, which had rejected a request to lift the access ban in May 2017, must now re-examine the case, taking into account the findings of ...
Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed
Asia, India, News

Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed

Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed. One of the four men sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a woman appealed but was found wrong by the court today.   Asha Devi, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, was raped by four men in 2012 and beaten on a bus in New Delhi. Moments later, the woman died of her injuries. A year later, the four men were sentenced. The other three men had already appealed and were also wrong. There is nothing to stand in the way of the execution of the sentence now. The case caused a shock wave to penetrate Indian society. But rape is still prevalent in India. The laws on sexual violence became stricter, but the elite escaped. Recently, a 23-year-old woman was set on fire while on her way to the court to handle her rape case. She di...