Saturday, July 27


Aeroplane With 98 Passengers Crashed in Pakistan, Possibly Two Survivors
Asia, News, Pakistan

Aeroplane With 98 Passengers Crashed in Pakistan, Possibly Two Survivors

A Pakistani International Airlines plane crashed near the port city of Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. The spokesman for the aviation authorities reported this.   The plane had 91 passengers and 7 crew members. Two occupants may have survived the crash. According to witnesses, the plane attempted to land two or three times. Then it crashed in a densely populated residential area in Karachi, near Jinnah International Airport. It is not yet clear how many people died. First, Mayor of Karachi, Waseem Akhtar, announced that none of the occupants would have survived the crash. After that, the aviation authorities announced that two passengers were still alive. The government is holding onto a survivor for now. It is not yet known how many people were killed and injured in the resid...