Saturday, July 27


Indian River Covered with Toxic Foam
India, News

Indian River Covered with Toxic Foam

In India, the Yamuna, one of the country's sacred rivers, was covered with a toxic foam layer on Monday. According to authorities, the pollution is due to the large influx of sewage and industrial waste.   The Yamuna, a tributary of the Ganges, is one of the most polluted rivers in the country. However, the toxic foam does not stop Hindus from diving into the river to celebrate Chhath Puja's four-day. The incident does disrupt the water supply to some of the surrounding towns, but it is still unclear how many households were affected. For a long time, the authorities have made efforts in vain to clean the Yamuna, but the phenomenon of toxic foam occurs every year. In 2020, a report already revealed that water quality in the river had deteriorated seriously over the past five years....
Severe Weather in India Kills Dozens of People
India, News

Severe Weather in India Kills Dozens of People

Severe storms in the western Indian state of Maharashtra have killed at least 72 people. In recent days, a record amount of rain has fallen during the monsoon, the annual rainy season.   Landslides in the Raigad region have killed at least 47 people. Due to a large amount of rain, the ground has turned into mud in many places and is starting to shift. Hundreds of people have been rescued by the air force and navy in recent days. However, much infrastructure has been destroyed by the storm. Roads, bridges and buildings have disappeared. At least four people have died in Mumbai after a building collapsed. At least fifty people are still detained in that region, and the death toll could rise considerably. Regional media reported that this was the heaviest rainfall in Maharashtra in t...
Prime Minister Modi: Corona Vaccine Free for All Indians Over 18 Years
India, News

Prime Minister Modi: Corona Vaccine Free for All Indians Over 18 Years

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a televised speech on Monday that all adult Indians can be vaccinated against corona free of charge from June 21.   The federal government will also take over the vaccination policy of the federal states. Under current policy, the federal government only provides free inoculations to the elderly and key caregivers. Vaccinating adults between the ages of 18 and 45 are left to the federal and private hospitals, which may charge a fee. Private hospitals will also play a role in vaccination under the new policy, Modi said in his speech. A quarter of all vaccines will be distributed through private hospitals to those who prefer, for which they may charge a fee of up to 150 Indian rupees (1.70 euros). Currently, about 180 million Indians, or ...
Record Number of Corona Infections in India
Asia, India, News

Record Number of Corona Infections in India

In India, the number of corona infections is rapidly going in the wrong direction. On Sunday, the country broke a worrying record.   India had 170,000 new corona infections, more than the United States and Brazil combined. More contagious virus mutations have also been found in the Asian country. Right now, vaccination production is running out. India plays a crucial role in the global fight against the coronavirus. "First of all, because of its size," said epidemiologist Ramanan Laxminarayan. One-sixth of the world's population lives in India. "If it isn't over in India, it won't be over anywhere." In addition, India is the world's pharmaceutical company. 60 percent of all vaccines are produced in India. For example, India has exported 64.5 million doses of corona vaccine to 85 ...
EU Asks for AstraZeneca Vaccines in India
Europe, India, News

EU Asks for AstraZeneca Vaccines in India

In India, the European Union has asked for 10 million doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine to make up for shortages in Europe. An anonymous Indian government official said the Serum Institute of India was recently asked to do so.   Serum stands for the largest vaccine factory in the world, where, among other things, AstraZeneca vaccines are made. The institute is part of the 'holding' Poonawalla Investment and Industries and annually produces approximately one and a half billion doses of all kinds of medicines. The spokesman in New Delhi suspects that Serum is not quick to comply with the request. India itself is engaged in a brutal vaccination campaign, while infections increased in March. The British government has also recently unsuccessfully approached Serum, requesting that the seco...
The Death Toll of Collapsed Flat in India is Rising
Asia, India, News

The Death Toll of Collapsed Flat in India is Rising

At least eleven people were killed when a flat in India collapsed on Monday evening. Twenty to seventy people were buried under the rubble.   Sixty people have now been rescued from the havoc, including a 4-year-old boy. It was freed from the rubble on Tuesday with loud cheers and placed on a stretcher. Three rescue teams with sniffer dogs worked all night. The residential tower in Mahad, in which approximately two hundred people lived in 47 apartments, collapsed like a house of cards, police said. Family members desperately search for their loved ones under the concrete and stone, calling out their names in the hope of a response. Authorities say many residents have likely been spared for fleeing the city south of Mumbai due to the corona epidemic. No one knows precisely how many...
Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed
Asia, India, News

Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed

Death Penalty for Group Rape in India can be Executed. One of the four men sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a woman appealed but was found wrong by the court today.   Asha Devi, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student, was raped by four men in 2012 and beaten on a bus in New Delhi. Moments later, the woman died of her injuries. A year later, the four men were sentenced. The other three men had already appealed and were also wrong. There is nothing to stand in the way of the execution of the sentence now. The case caused a shock wave to penetrate Indian society. But rape is still prevalent in India. The laws on sexual violence became stricter, but the elite escaped. Recently, a 23-year-old woman was set on fire while on her way to the court to handle her rape case. She di...
India the World’s Most Dangerous Country for Women
Asia, India, International, News

India the World’s Most Dangerous Country for Women

India the World's Most Dangerous Country for Women. Women and girls are the most dangerous worldwide in India. Research shows this through the British Thomson-Reuters Foundation. Today, it published a top 10 of the most dangerous countries for women.   According to The Down Town News, India is struggling with problems in the areas of sexual abuse, intimidation and trafficking in human beings. Mainly women are victims of it. Indian women who end up in trafficking are often sold for sex. Forced labour also occurs in the country. Afghanistan and Syria are second and third in the list. Somalia and Saudi Arabia complete the top-5. There is also a Western country in the top-10. The United States is tenth. According to the study, American women are at higher risk of becoming a victim of...
India Man Lynched after He Slaughtered a Cow
Asia, India, International, News

India Man Lynched after He Slaughtered a Cow

In India, a man was killed because he would have slaughtered a cow or a bull. He was attacked by villagers in Madhya Pradesh and was beaten to death. The victim, according to various media a Muslim, died in the hospital. His driver was severely injured. 'Cow protection' demands many lives in India in recent years.   The slaughter of cattle is prohibited in most Indian states because the cow has sacred status. When two villagers saw the men walking with animals, they would send out some friends and beat the men. According to the Week News, when the police arrived, they found the victims, Riyaz Khan and Shakeel Maqbool, severely injured. Khan died in the hospital. Four men have been arrested. At the scene where the victims were found, the police also found a killed bull and bags of ...