Saturday, July 27


India Man Lynched after He Slaughtered a Cow
Asia, India, International, News

India Man Lynched after He Slaughtered a Cow

In India, a man was killed because he would have slaughtered a cow or a bull. He was attacked by villagers in Madhya Pradesh and was beaten to death. The victim, according to various media a Muslim, died in the hospital. His driver was severely injured. 'Cow protection' demands many lives in India in recent years.   The slaughter of cattle is prohibited in most Indian states because the cow has sacred status. When two villagers saw the men walking with animals, they would send out some friends and beat the men. According to the Week News, when the police arrived, they found the victims, Riyaz Khan and Shakeel Maqbool, severely injured. Khan died in the hospital. Four men have been arrested. At the scene where the victims were found, the police also found a killed bull and bags of ...
Brazilian Fishermen Rescue Boat with African Refugees
Brazil, International, News

Brazilian Fishermen Rescue Boat with African Refugees

Brazilian Fishermen Rescue Boat with African Refugees. In Brazil, 25 African refugees have been brought ashore today. They were rescued from the sea by fishermen, the eMedium and authorities of the Brazilian Maranhao region report.   It is exceptional that migrant boats make the long crossing from West Africa to South America. The refugees were dehydrated and needed urgent food and medical assistance. According to G1, a Brazilian website, their boat was on the road for weeks. The refugees came from Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, Sierra Leone and the Cape Verde Islands. There were also two Brazilians on board. The Brazilian police are investigating whether crimes have been committed against the refugees.
Chilean Bishop Suspends Twelve Priests because of Sex Chats
Chile, International, News

Chilean Bishop Suspends Twelve Priests because of Sex Chats

In Chile, the bishop of Rancagua, Alejandro Goic, suspended twelve priests. In a report from TV channel T13, the priests were accused of having sent sexual messages to minors. Goic says he had previously received information about the misconduct and apologised for not having acted more quickly, says eBuzzFeed.   Goic has indicated to the police the twelve priests of the diocese of Rancagua, 85 kilometres south of the capital Santiago. Also, he will transfer all information about the men to the Vatican. In the reportage the Chilean priest, Luis Rubio acknowledges that he has sent nude photos to a profile on Facebook. That turned out to be a fake account, with the intention to catch him in the act. Youth worker Elisa Fernandez told in the same report that she said Bishop Goic several...
Man Drives into a Restaurant: Daughter and Family Member Killed
International, News, US

Man Drives into a Restaurant: Daughter and Family Member Killed

Man Drives into a Restaurant: Daughter and Family Member Killed. In Bessemer City, in the American state of North Carolina, a 62-year-old man has been driven into a restaurant with his car, published by News Tribune.   He died two people. One of them was his daughter, the 26-year-old policewoman Katelyn Tyler Self, according to the American news agency AP. According to the police of Mecklenburg County, the facts have no terrorist background, but it is a family drama. The driver of the car would have entered the busy restaurant with his family members around lunchtime. When they found a table by the window, he walked out again, stepped into his SUV and drove through the front of the restaurant at high speed.
US Government Contradicts in the Trade Dispute with China
China, International, News, US

US Government Contradicts in the Trade Dispute with China

US Government Contradicts in the Trade Dispute with China. Following an approximation in the trade dispute with China, the US government is sending out different signals about how to proceed, posted by CNN News.   Following an approximation in the trade dispute with China, the US government is sending out different signals about how to proceed. Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin told Fox News that during the ongoing negotiation phase with China, the punitive tariffs for steel and aluminium threatened by Washington are off the table. The US was holding a trade war with China, Mnuchin said. In contrast, US President Donald Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow told CBS that tariffs were by no means off the table.
Government Negotiations Italy in the Hot Phase
Europe, International, Italy, News

Government Negotiations Italy in the Hot Phase

Government Negotiations Italy in the Hot Phase. In the crucial phase of the government negotiations in Italy, more warnings in the direction of the Euro-critical parties, reports City News Journal.   In the crucial phase of the government negotiations in Italy, more warnings in the direction of the Euro-critical parties. The five-star movement and the right-wing populist Lega have now taken another hurdle and agreed on a head of government, as Lega chief Matteo Salvini said to journalists in Fiumicino. He did not name a name. France calls on the planned coalition to comply with European debt rules. Also from Germany came admonitory words.
Allegations Against the FBI: Trump Demands an Investigation
International, News, US

Allegations Against the FBI: Trump Demands an Investigation

Allegations Against the FBI: Trump Demands an Investigation. US President Donald Trump wants to investigate whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has infiltrated its 2016 presidential campaign for political reasons.   According to The Town News, US President Donald Trump wants to investigate whether the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has infiltrated its 2016 presidential campaign for political reasons. He will also officially call for this investigation, Trump wrote on Twitter. Besides, it should be examined whether such an operation was ordered by members of the government of his predecessor Barack Obama. Trump has been admitting for days with apparent mounting anger that an FBI source has been placed on his team. Citing investigators and government sources, US...
Erdogan Asks Turks in Europe for Record Number of Votes
Asia, Europe, International, News, Turkey

Erdogan Asks Turks in Europe for Record Number of Votes

Erdogan Asks Turks in Europe for Record Number of Votes. In Germany, President Erdogan was not allowed to appear, and now the election campaigner evaded Sarajevo. Thousands of foreigners were called upon to give terror organisations and their henchmen an "Ottoman slap" - by choosing Erdogan in June, reports The English News.   Just over a month before the elections in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has asked the Turks abroad for massive support. "Are you willing to miss the terrorist organisations and their local and foreign stooges an Ottoman slap?" Erdogan told thousands of cheering Turks living in the Bosnian Sarajevo. "Are you willing to encourage me with a record number of votes in the presidential election?" The administrative and parliamentary elections on June 24, i...