Saturday, July 27


Iran Launches Kamikaze Drone That Can Hit Targets in Israel
Iran, Israel, News

Iran Launches Kamikaze Drone That Can Hit Targets in Israel

On Tuesday, Iran unpacked with a kamikaze drone that can hit targets in Israel. The device could attack coastal cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa, Iran's Tasnim news agency reported. Closely linked to the Revolutionary Guards, it called the drone, the Arash-2, a "new nightmare for the Zionists". In the past, Tehran has announced several times to expand its drone program. In May, state television showed an underground base for drones. Again and again, the Islamic Republic threatens to attack Israel. Both countries have regarded each other as mortal enemies since the 1979 Iranian revolution. In March, the Israeli military said it had prevented several drone strikes from Iran over the past four years.
Hackers Threaten to Attack Nuclear Reactor in Israel
Israel, News

Hackers Threaten to Attack Nuclear Reactor in Israel

Pro-Iranian hackers have temporarily hacked the website of the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post and the Twitter account of the newspaper Maariv.   Instead of news, an image was shown of the Israeli nuclear reactor in the desert city of Dimona being detonated by a rocket. The missile is fired from a fist clenched hand, wearing a signature ring that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani also wore. He was killed exactly one year ago in a US drone strike. "We are close to you where you don't think about it", reads in English and Hebrew ("We are close to you where you don't think about it"). In the meantime, the website and the Twitter account have been taken over by the newspapers again. It is unclear whether the hackers were operating from Iran or another country, writes the Jerusalem Pos...
WhatsApp Groups are Calling on Jewish Youth for Violence Against Arabs in Israel
Israel, News, Tech

WhatsApp Groups are Calling on Jewish Youth for Violence Against Arabs in Israel

In Israeli areas, far-right Jewish youth have set up WhatsApp groups to perpetrate organized violence against Arabs. This is evident from an investigation by FakeReporter, an Israeli organization that fights against fake news on social media.   Majd Khalifeh follows the Israeli-Palestinian conflict closely and, based on his expertise in social media, explains more in the "Late news". The violence between Israel and Palestine is going from bad to worse. Rockets have been flying to and from Gaza for a week and a half, but it doesn't stop there. Jews and Arabs are now also taking to the streets in Israel to fight against each other, resulting in horrific violence. Until recently, Jews and Arabs in Israel mostly lived peacefully side by side, but very little of that remains. FakeRepor...
Missiles Fired at Israel from Lebanon, Israel Shoots Back
Israel, Lebanon, News

Missiles Fired at Israel from Lebanon, Israel Shoots Back

Four missiles have been fired from southern Lebanon towards Israel, a source within the Israeli army says.   Shortly before this became known, air-raid sirens went off in the region east of the coastal city of Haifa. Israel quickly announced that it was firing back artillery. It is the third time that missiles have been fired at Israel from Lebanon since the violence started last week. Rockets would also have been launched towards Israel from Syria. The last time missiles from southern Lebanon headed toward Israel, and not a single missile made it across the border. Israel then also retaliated with artillery attacks on the locations where the projectiles came from.
Saudi Arabia Does Not Follow UAE: First Peace With Palestinians, Then Israel
Israel, News, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Saudi Arabia Does Not Follow UAE: First Peace With Palestinians, Then Israel

Saudi Arabia will not follow the example of the neighbouring United Arab Emirates in establishing diplomatic relations with Israel for the time being.   After nearly a week of silence, the Saudis say Israel must first make peace with the Palestinians, then normal relations are possible. Last week, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that they would establish full diplomatic relations. The UAE is the first Gulf state to do so and, after Egypt and Jordan, only the third Arab country to establish official relations with Israel. Other Arab countries, such as Oman, Bahrain and Sudan, have also spoken positively about this and are likely to follow suit. For almost a week it remained remarkably quiet in Saudi Arabia, which apparently was somewhat surprised by the move by...
Israeli Websites Hit by Major Cyber Attack
Israel, News

Israeli Websites Hit by Major Cyber Attack

Many Israeli websites are today affected by a major cyber attack. The authorities announced this. Many sites featured images of the city of Tel Aviv on fire.   It is unclear how many sites have been hacked, but several Israeli media speak about a thousand. The affected pages also included the phrase "The countdown to the destruction of Israel began long ago." Particularly private companies that use a particular operating system have fallen victim. The eventual damage was found to be "superficial," authorities said. The cyberattack has been claimed by a group calling themselves Hackers of Savior (Hackers of the Savior). Details have not been disclosed. The sites were hit a day before Jerusalem Day, a national holiday in Israel. Then it is celebrated that East Jerusalem fell into ...