Saturday, July 27


Group of Women Arrested in Dubai for Nude Shots from the Balcony
News, UAE

Group of Women Arrested in Dubai for Nude Shots from the Balcony

At least twelve women have been arrested in Dubai after posing naked on a balcony for shooting on Saturday. They have been charged with lewd behaviour, an offence for which they can face up to six months in prison.   The Ukrainian consulate in Dubai has now informed the British broadcaster BBC that eleven women have Ukrainian nationality. According to Russian media, someone with Russian nationality has also been arrested. Russian media had previously reported that among those arrested were eight Russian women, but according to the Russian news agency Ria, the recording session's organizer is a Russian. He can be sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Images taken on Saturday from an opposite balcony appear to show at least thirteen undressed women. The police in Dubai said ...
Saudi Arabia Does Not Follow UAE: First Peace With Palestinians, Then Israel
Israel, News, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Saudi Arabia Does Not Follow UAE: First Peace With Palestinians, Then Israel

Saudi Arabia will not follow the example of the neighbouring United Arab Emirates in establishing diplomatic relations with Israel for the time being.   After nearly a week of silence, the Saudis say Israel must first make peace with the Palestinians, then normal relations are possible. Last week, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that they would establish full diplomatic relations. The UAE is the first Gulf state to do so and, after Egypt and Jordan, only the third Arab country to establish official relations with Israel. Other Arab countries, such as Oman, Bahrain and Sudan, have also spoken positively about this and are likely to follow suit. For almost a week it remained remarkably quiet in Saudi Arabia, which apparently was somewhat surprised by the move by...