Saturday, July 27


Russian Minister: New Iron Curtain in the Making in Europe
Europe, News, Russia

Russian Minister: New Iron Curtain in the Making in Europe

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says a new Iron Curtain is being hung between the West and Russia. "It's practically already there," complained the minister. He warned the West to "act with caution".   Relations were already not good when Russia attacked neighbouring Ukraine on February 24. It led to further resentment towards Russia in Western countries and to a series of severe economic sanctions. Western companies have stopped their activities in Russia and travelling to and from that country has become very difficult. Western powers have also made the fight against President Vladimir Putin's Russia a priority in defence, security and foreign policy. The term Iron Curtain was used shortly after World War II, most notably in a 1946 speech by British leader Winston Churchi...
Russia Threatens Serious Consequences After Lithuanian Import Ban
Europe, Lithuania, News, Russia

Russia Threatens Serious Consequences After Lithuanian Import Ban

Russia threatens Lithuania with "serious consequences" over the transit ban to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. Russian Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev says countermeasures will be taken soon.   As of Saturday, Lithuania has stopped the supply of coal and metals from Russia to Kaliningrad by rail, among other things. According to Lithuania, this is in line with the European embargoes that apply to those Russian products. Rail via Lithuania is the main way of transporting goods to the exclave via Russia. "Our measures are going to have a serious negative impact on the population of Lithuania," Patrushev said. Russia also filed a protest with the European Union on Tuesday over the Lithuanian ban. EU ambassador Markus Ederer had to come to the Russian Ministry of Foreign...
Gas Price Rises Further Due to Concerns About Russian Deliveries
Business, Europe, News, Russia

Gas Price Rises Further Due to Concerns About Russian Deliveries

European gas prices rose further on Monday after the strong rise of more than 40 percent last week. Moscow's throttling of Russia's gas supplies to several European countries is fueling concerns about Europe's ability to replenish its gas supplies for the winter season.   On the European stock exchange in Amsterdam, gas became 6 percent more expensive at 124.75 euros per megawatt-hour. The Russian state gas company Gazprom announced last week that it would further reduce deliveries to Germany. Since Thursday, only about 40 percent of the normal amount has been supplied via Nord Stream 1, Germany's most important pipeline for Russian gas. Gazprom chief executive Alexei Miller warned that the situation will not improve any time soon. According to him, there is currently no solution f...
Russia Says It Will Find Other Buyers for Oil After EU Boycott
Business, Europe, News, Russia

Russia Says It Will Find Other Buyers for Oil After EU Boycott

Russia will find other buyers for the oil that the European Union no longer buys. Mikhail Ulyanov, who is Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, said on Twitter.   Ulyanov reacted to the oil embargo that the EU has agreed on Russian tanker oil. The question is which countries will buy the oil. China and India will have to do that, as many other Asian countries such as Indonesia and Sri Lanka do not have the advanced refineries necessary to fuel Russia's Ural oil. Russian crude oil contains relatively much sulphur. However, China and India could negotiate discounts that would reduce Russia's earnings from its oil. Recently, this happened even after many western oil companies had decided to stop buying oil from Russia.
German Inflation Rises Further to 7.9 Percent
Business, Europe, Germany, News

German Inflation Rises Further to 7.9 Percent

Inflation in Germany rose further to 7.9 percent year-on-year in May, fueled mainly by high energy prices due to the war in Ukraine. This was announced by the German Federal Statistical Office based on preliminary figures.   In April, inflation was still 7.4 percent in the country that is the most important trading partner of the Netherlands and the largest economy in Europe. According to the statistical office, energy prices in May were more than 38 percent higher than a year earlier. Foodstuffs are also becoming more and more expensive. According to the agency, this was an increase of 11 percent. Inflation in Germany has now reached its highest point since the 1973 oil crisis. Based on the harmonized European measurement method, inflation climbed to 8.7 percent, from 7.8 percent...
First Case of Monkeypox in Germany
Europe, Germany, News

First Case of Monkeypox in Germany

The first case of monkeypox has also been confirmed in Germany. The virus was diagnosed in a patient on Thursday, the Institute of Microbiology in Munich announced on Friday. The patient had characteristic changes to the skin.   "It was only a matter of time" for monkeypox to show up in Germany too, said German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. The reports from other countries made doctors and patients in Germany extra alert. "Based on the available data, we assume that the virus is not highly contagious and that the outbreak can be contained." However, this must be done quickly. "We will further analyze the virus and investigate whether it is a more contagious variant." Due to the increased awareness of the disease, cases of the rare monkeypox are being diagnosed in more and more ...
Turkey Will Not Approve NATO Request Sweden and Finland Unless One Condition is Met
Europe, Finland, News, Sweden, Turkey

Turkey Will Not Approve NATO Request Sweden and Finland Unless One Condition is Met

Turkey blocks the start of accession talks with Finland and Sweden within NATO. This has been heard from NATO circles. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, both countries "support terrorist organizations and NATO accession are not possible" unless one crucial condition is met.   That condition is that Sweden and Finland must return the "terrorists" they harbour to Turkey. "If they don't, the Swedish and Finnish delegations shouldn't bother coming to Ankara to convince us," Erdogan said. According to Ankara, Sweden (and Finland) harbours people associated with groups Turkey considers terrorists. These include members of the militant wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and supporters of Fethullah Gülen. This influential Islamist thinker accuses Ankara of orches...
European Commission Investigates Cartel Formation in Fashion Industry
Business, Europe, News

European Commission Investigates Cartel Formation in Fashion Industry

The European Commission believes it is on the trail of a cartel in the European fashion industry. So on Tuesday, she started unannounced inspections at companies in several EU countries. The committee also requested information.   The committee fears that the companies have violated European competition rules. They prohibit cartels and other practices that restrict free competition. If companies have indeed committed this act, they face a large fine. But anyone who comes forward now, plays an open card and cooperates in the investigation can hope for leniency, the committee emphasizes. Then punishment can still be avoided. The investigation does not mean that the debt of the companies has yet been established, emphasizes the daily management of the European Union.
EU Oil Sanctions Against Putin Falter Over Hungary
Europe, Hungary, News, Russia

EU Oil Sanctions Against Putin Falter Over Hungary

Negotiations on the intended European import ban for Russian oil sticks because Hungary demands guarantees for alternative supplies first.   On Monday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen discussed the issue during a dinner with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest. That was "useful and useful", says a committee spokesperson, "but the technical work continues". An agreement between the 27 member states has not been forthcoming since the commission presented its proposals for a sixth sanctions package last Wednesday. In addition to, among other things, punitive measures against some sixty people and three Russian TV channels, the daily EU administration wants an import ban on crude oil within six months and on refined oil before the end of the year. The plan is fo...
French President Emmanuel Macron Has Become Angry With Paris Mayor
Europe, France, News

French President Emmanuel Macron Has Become Angry With Paris Mayor

French President Emmanuel Macron has become angry with Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo for failing to turn on the Eiffel Tower lights on Sunday evening as Macron delivered his re-election victory speech in front of the monument.   City services are said to have informed Macron's team at 6.30 pm on Sunday that they would not turn on the lighting of the Eiffel Tower at 9.30 pm as planned, but only at 10 pm. Officially, because Marine Le Pen's election results seemed to turn out better than expected at the time, so Macron's victory was not yet certain. In circles around Macron, it is more likely that Mayor Hidalgo, who was also a presidential candidate but received only a few percent of the vote in the first round of elections, thus took revenge on her rival. "This is called 1.75% nuisance...