Saturday, July 27


Donald Trump Bragged With Classified Information About French President Macron
Europe, France, News, US

Donald Trump Bragged With Classified Information About French President Macron

What was in the box taken by the FBI from former US President Donald Trump's residence, cryptically described on a legal document as "President of France info"? That is what people are asking these days in Paris and Washington, DC. According to American media, the file contains information about the sex life of French President Emmanuel Macron, and Trump liked to brag about it. According to two sources, Trump would have happily told intimates for years how he had juicy details about Macron's sex life, compiled based on information gathered by US intelligence. It is not clear what information is involved or whether it is information that is considered a state secret. Yet these days, there are reportedly feverish questions in both Paris and Washington D.C. about what informatio...
French President Emmanuel Macron Has Become Angry With Paris Mayor
Europe, France, News

French President Emmanuel Macron Has Become Angry With Paris Mayor

French President Emmanuel Macron has become angry with Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo for failing to turn on the Eiffel Tower lights on Sunday evening as Macron delivered his re-election victory speech in front of the monument.   City services are said to have informed Macron's team at 6.30 pm on Sunday that they would not turn on the lighting of the Eiffel Tower at 9.30 pm as planned, but only at 10 pm. Officially, because Marine Le Pen's election results seemed to turn out better than expected at the time, so Macron's victory was not yet certain. In circles around Macron, it is more likely that Mayor Hidalgo, who was also a presidential candidate but received only a few percent of the vote in the first round of elections, thus took revenge on her rival. "This is called 1.75% nuisance...
Macron Wins First Round With 27.85 Percent of the Vote
Europe, France, News

Macron Wins First Round With 27.85 Percent of the Vote

Emmanuel Macron has won the first round of the French presidential election with 27.85 percent of the vote, preliminary results show.   The incumbent president will face right-wing Marine Le Pen in the next round. She received 23.15 percent of the vote. Left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon finished third with 21.95 percent of the vote. Voters could choose from twelve candidates on Sunday; in the second round on February 24, it will be between the two politicians with the most votes in the first round. Just like in 2017, those are Macron and Le Pen again. 73.69 percent of French voters turned out in the first round of the election. The French Constitutional Council will announce the final election results by Wednesday.
French President Emmanuel Macron Wants to Build Up to 14 New Nuclear Power Plants by 2050
Europe, France, News

French President Emmanuel Macron Wants to Build Up to 14 New Nuclear Power Plants by 2050

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday that he wants to build six new nuclear power plants by 2050. He is also considering building eight more. The first reactor should be commissioned by 2035.   In addition, Macron also wants to build small modular reactors and "innovative" power stations that would produce less nuclear waste. The French president said that the goal is to produce an additional 25 gigawatts by 2050 to meet the increased demand for electricity. In addition, Macron also wants to extend the lifespan of "all nuclear reactors it is possible for", if possible, to more than fifty years. Macron is thus returning to his goal from 2018 when he announced that he wanted to close a dozen reactors. "I have made two clear decisions," said the French president. "E...
Emmanuel Macron Confirms Negotiations on Minsk Peace Agreement Continue on Thursday
France, News, Russia, Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron Confirms Negotiations on Minsk Peace Agreement Continue on Thursday

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed on Tuesday that negotiations on the Minsk peace agreement would continue on Thursday. He met on Tuesday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss the protracted crisis.   Macron also met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday. So on Thursday, talks will follow in the Normandy format, with France and Germany as mediators. According to Macron, the peace agreement is the only sustainable solution and represents the best protection for Ukraine's territorial integrity. After his double visits to Moscow and Kyiv, he expressed his belief in "concrete solutions" that could lead to a dismantling of the crisis. But achieving such de-escalation requires a new common security architecture for Europe, Macron said. Zelensky ...
French Luxury Group LVMH Pays 10 Million Euros to Escape Prosecution
Europe, France, News

French Luxury Group LVMH Pays 10 Million Euros to Escape Prosecution

The French luxury group LVMH pays 10 million euros to escape criminal prosecution. The court in Paris approved the settlement on Friday.   The case is many years old. In 2011, an investigation was launched into the links between former French intelligence chief Bernard Squarcini and the luxury group LVMH. In October 2019, the investigation was expanded following a complaint from François Ruffin, a left-wing MP who, while a journalist, was alleged to have been spied on for years by Squarcini at the request of LVMH. That espionage came to light during the shooting of a documentary about the luxury group: "Merci Patron!". Ruffin had argued in a Paris judge not to accept the settlement because it represents just 0.02 percent of LVMH's annual revenue. But the judge nevertheless accept...
Fifth Suspect Arrested for Drowning Channel Migrants
Europe, France, News

Fifth Suspect Arrested for Drowning Channel Migrants

France has arrested a fifth suspect in connection with the tragedy in the Channel that killed at least 27 people on Wednesday.   The first four suspects were arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of human smuggling. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said on Thursday morning that France's neighbours, such as the United Kingdom, are doing too little to prevent people smuggling. For example, according to the minister, the British must tighten rules on undeclared work to combat illegal migration. According to Darmanin, Iraqis and Somalis were among the victims. The public prosecutor in Lille has said that 17 men, seven women and three minors are involved.
Macron Holds Franco-African Summit Without African Colleagues
Europe, France, News

Macron Holds Franco-African Summit Without African Colleagues

French President Emmanuel Macron will host a Franco-African 'summit' conference in Montpellier on Friday, to which he has not invited a single African head of state. He, therefore, calls it "a new, unusual African-French summit".   According to the government, it is "an international meeting of size". The meeting will be held in the Sud de France Arena, just outside the city and invited are young African entrepreneurs, activists, politicians, athletes, artists academics and artists. French presidents have held nearly 30 summits with their counterparts from the former French territories since 1973. It is now the first time that they are not there. The summits were often attended by leaders who remained in power for decades or appeared shortly after or shortly before a coup. Macron ...
Renault to Cut Another 2,000 Jobs in France
Business, Europe, France, News

Renault to Cut Another 2,000 Jobs in France

French carmaker Renault is cutting another 2,000 jobs in France. The company talks with unions about laying off 1,600 technical and 400 support workers between 2022 and 2024.   The French car manufacturer is in difficulties, partly as a result of the corona crisis. Due to the virus outbreak, the production of cars was temporarily halted, and the company was able to supply fewer cars. The shortage of chips also hinders the production process. Last year, the automaker announced that it would cut about 14,600 jobs worldwide and cut production capacity by nearly a fifth. Meanwhile, Renault is trying to accelerate the transition to electric driving. By 2025, nine new electric vehicles are to be launched, which will be made in France. This includes electric models of the Megane, Renault ...
Erdogan and Macron Attempt to Settle Disputes
France, News, Turkey

Erdogan and Macron Attempt to Settle Disputes

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron seized the opportunity of Monday's NATO summit to have "long" talks, Macron said.   The two NATO allies frequently clashed over the past year, and sometimes harsh words were spoken. The chat was really going on, Macron's staff say. The two are said to have spoken for 45 minutes in the hopes of "clarifying their differences of opinion about Turkey's actions in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan, and against Greece and Cyprus. To continue with clarity and respect," said the French president.