Saturday, July 27


Russia Threatens Serious Consequences After Lithuanian Import Ban
Europe, Lithuania, News, Russia

Russia Threatens Serious Consequences After Lithuanian Import Ban

Russia threatens Lithuania with "serious consequences" over the transit ban to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. Russian Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev says countermeasures will be taken soon.   As of Saturday, Lithuania has stopped the supply of coal and metals from Russia to Kaliningrad by rail, among other things. According to Lithuania, this is in line with the European embargoes that apply to those Russian products. Rail via Lithuania is the main way of transporting goods to the exclave via Russia. "Our measures are going to have a serious negative impact on the population of Lithuania," Patrushev said. Russia also filed a protest with the European Union on Tuesday over the Lithuanian ban. EU ambassador Markus Ederer had to come to the Russian Ministry of Foreign...
Poland and Lithuania Come to the Aid of Residents of Belarus
Belarus, Europe, Lithuania, News, Poland

Poland and Lithuania Come to the Aid of Residents of Belarus

Poland and Lithuania have announced that they want to help residents of neighbouring Belarus.   There have been demonstrations there for almost a week against the controversial election victory of President Alexander Lukashenko. Lithuania has offered to treat Belarusians injured during demonstrations. Security forces are cracking down on protesters and have arrested thousands of people. Poland is making 11 million euros available, among other things to support Belarusians who want to come to Poland. The money is also intended to support independent media and other organizations. The Polish government is also offering students from the neighbouring country the prospect of scholarships. "We have opened our hearts to Belarus. Now we also want to open our borders and universities," ...