Saturday, July 27


Two Killed in Knife Attack in Germany
Europe, Germany, News

Two Killed in Knife Attack in Germany

A knife attack in the southwestern German town of Ludwigshafen killed two people and seriously injured another. The suspected perpetrator was shot and seriously injured during the arrest. This is reported by the Rheinpfalz police on Tuesday. The motives for the attack are still unclear, a police spokeswoman said. After the attack, the suspect fled, but a police patrol was able to arrest the man. In doing so, he was shot. It is not yet clear how extremely the man is injured. The police have cordoned off the crime scene.
German Inflation Rises Further to 7.9 Percent
Business, Europe, Germany, News

German Inflation Rises Further to 7.9 Percent

Inflation in Germany rose further to 7.9 percent year-on-year in May, fueled mainly by high energy prices due to the war in Ukraine. This was announced by the German Federal Statistical Office based on preliminary figures.   In April, inflation was still 7.4 percent in the country that is the most important trading partner of the Netherlands and the largest economy in Europe. According to the statistical office, energy prices in May were more than 38 percent higher than a year earlier. Foodstuffs are also becoming more and more expensive. According to the agency, this was an increase of 11 percent. Inflation in Germany has now reached its highest point since the 1973 oil crisis. Based on the harmonized European measurement method, inflation climbed to 8.7 percent, from 7.8 percent...
First Case of Monkeypox in Germany
Europe, Germany, News

First Case of Monkeypox in Germany

The first case of monkeypox has also been confirmed in Germany. The virus was diagnosed in a patient on Thursday, the Institute of Microbiology in Munich announced on Friday. The patient had characteristic changes to the skin.   "It was only a matter of time" for monkeypox to show up in Germany too, said German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. The reports from other countries made doctors and patients in Germany extra alert. "Based on the available data, we assume that the virus is not highly contagious and that the outbreak can be contained." However, this must be done quickly. "We will further analyze the virus and investigate whether it is a more contagious variant." Due to the increased awareness of the disease, cases of the rare monkeypox are being diagnosed in more and more ...
German Investor Confidence Further Plummeted by Ukraine War
Europe, Germany, News, Ukraine

German Investor Confidence Further Plummeted by Ukraine War

German investor confidence fell further in April due to the war in Ukraine and soaring inflation. The German research institute ZEW reported this.   In fact, the index for economic expectations for the next six months is now at its lowest level since March 2020 at the start of the corona pandemic. In March, the confidence index of the ZEW Institute already showed a historically sharp decline due to concerns about Ukraine. Investors fear that economic conditions will deteriorate further, according to the survey. ZEW president Achim Wambach states that the prospects for a period of stagflation, in which the economy weakens and inflation is high, will remain for the next six months. The German economy is suffering from high inflation due to the sharp rise in energy prices as a result...
Russian Z Symbol could Lead to Prosecution in Germany
Germany, News, Russia

Russian Z Symbol could Lead to Prosecution in Germany

Persons displaying the letter Z in Germany as a symbol of support for Russia in the war in Ukraine could face criminal charges. The Ministry of the Interior reports that several federal states stated that they would proceed with criminalization.   A spokesman said that the use of the letter Z is not prohibited but can also be used to condone Russian aggression. The letter quickly became a pro-Russian symbol among Russian soldiers in Ukraine and supporters of the war. The ministry spokesman described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as "a criminal act". "Those who publicly support this war could face prosecution." At a press conference, it was said that federal authorities monitor the use of the symbol and welcome the states' decision. Lower Saxony and Bavaria announced on Friday th...
Germany Halves the Cure from Corona Period
Europe, Germany, News

Germany Halves the Cure from Corona Period

The period that you are officially considered cured of the corona has been halved in Germany from six to three months. Nevertheless, the cured status is important to travel or gain access to, for example, the catering industry, where you must demonstrate that you have been vaccinated or recovered.   The halving, therefore, has major consequences for people who had a corona infection and did not have themselves vaccinated, German media report about the "sudden" step by the health authorities. The change from 180 to 90 days comes as a surprise to many people, according to the newspaper Bild. However, health Minister Karl Lauterbach is said to have said so far that the status could last even longer under certain circumstances. The responsible government agency, the Robert Koch Instit...
Corona Tests Only Valid For 24 Hours in North Rhine-Westphalia
Europe, Germany, News

Corona Tests Only Valid For 24 Hours in North Rhine-Westphalia

A negative result of a corona test is only valid for 24 hours in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The state has taken this measure so that there would be less contamination at the start of the carnival on November 11.   Despite the tightening of the measure, people are allowed to dance in cafes without a mask, the Rheinische Post newspaper reports. The rule went into effect on Wednesday and applies to PCR tests and rapid tests. The validity was 48 hours until Wednesday. For carnival-goers, among others, this means that a negative test must be taken within 24 hours before an event starts for people who have not been vaccinated or who have not recently been cured. In Germany, the number of corona infections has increased rapidly in recent days. On Wednesday morning, the R...
German Construction Workers Threaten Nationwide Strike
Business, Germany, News

German Construction Workers Threaten Nationwide Strike

German construction workers are threatening a nationwide strike to enforce their demands for higher wages and other improved working conditions.   The head of the trade union IG Bau reported this to the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The union wants a wage increase of 5.3 percent for the nearly 900,000 German construction workers. Higher compensation should also be offered for the long daily travel times to construction sites, which are often in remote locations. IG Bau says there is a good chance of a nationwide strike in the construction sector if employers don't act quickly. That would be the first nationwide strike since 2002. A mediation process will now begin between the parties to reach an agreement.
Germany Considers Spain A Risk Area Again
Europe, Germany, News, Spain

Germany Considers Spain A Risk Area Again

Due to the rapidly increasing number of corona infections, Germany considers the whole of Spain as a risk area again.   The German authorities advise everyone not to go on holiday in the southern European country, including Mallorca and the Canary Islands. The warning, just as the season has started, will apply from Sunday. But unlike last year, the measure will not affect German tourists if they have a negative corona test, a vaccination certificate, or a document they have recovered. Otherwise, they will have to be quarantined upon return.
German Amazon Workers Strike for Better Wages During the Discount Fest
Business, Germany, News, Tech

German Amazon Workers Strike for Better Wages During the Discount Fest

Hundreds of Amazon employees in Germany are on strike during Prime Day, the annual discount days when it is extra busy. They demand a wage increase of 4.5 percent and better working conditions.   The Verdi union is the driving force behind this strike in 7 of Amazon's 16 distribution centres in Germany. Since 2013, the German union has been protesting against the American online giant's low wages and poor working conditions. For as long, Verdi has been trying to enforce a collective bargaining agreement with Amazon, so far without success. This agreement between trade unions and employers' organizations applies to all employees in that sector. This should ensure greater equality between the parties through collective bargaining. Amazon makes billions from the extra orders during t...