Saturday, July 27


US Spied on Merkel With Danish Help
Germany, News, US

US Spied on Merkel With Danish Help

From 2012 to 2014, the United States spied several European politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with the help of the Danish intelligence services. Danish and European media reported this on Sunday.   Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio (DR) reports that the US intelligence agency NSA tapped Danish internet cables to spy on prominent politicians and senior officials in Germany, Sweden, Norway and France. The NSA made good use of a surveillance collaboration with the Danish military intelligence service FE. It was suggested some time ago that the United States was spying on various European countries by tapping the Danish cable. DR then, together with the Swedish channel SVT, the Norwegian channel NRK, the German channels NDR and WDR, the newspaper Suddeutsch...
Germany Labels UK A Risk Due to Indian Corona Variant
Germany, News, UK

Germany Labels UK A Risk Due to Indian Corona Variant

Germany plans to declare the United Kingdom a risk area because of the extra contagious Indian variant of the coronavirus that is circulating there.   The decision can already be taken this Friday, and sources tell Reuters news agency. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday expressed concern about the mutation referred to as B.1.617.2. He said that he could not rule out that measures would have to be taken to reduce the sharp rise in the number of infections with this variant. Due to the vigorous vaccination campaign in the United Kingdom, nearly seven in ten adults have had the first vaccination there, and more than a third have also had the second. The rate of vaccination may be accelerated in regions where the Indian variant has been discovered. The RIVM reported on ...
German Bundestag Approves Controversial National Corona Law
Europe, Germany, News

German Bundestag Approves Controversial National Corona Law

The German Bundestag has agreed to a change in the law that will allow the German government to impose direct corona measures, including a hotly contested curfew and contact restrictions.   Berlin can now pull a 'national emergency brake' outside the sixteen states. Chancellor Angela Merkel believes that the fight against the coronavirus, as it was arranged with the federal states, has been half-hearted and inadequate. She has had the law amended to intervene directly in areas with a lot of infections. The Federal Council, where the federal states have the power, will consider the issue on Thursday. The Christian Democratic and Social Democratic coalition parties rallied behind the government's proposal to end the third corona wave. The opposition's criticism, on the other hand, w...
German Health Minister Urges Immediate Lockdown
Europe, Germany, News

German Health Minister Urges Immediate Lockdown

The German health minister Jens Spahn has called on the states not to delay imposing much stricter restrictions until a legislative amendment has been passed.   In order to halt the spread of the coronavirus, he says it is necessary to take immediate measures to "drastically limit" contact between people. According to him, the number of new infections is out of control, and the situation is getting worse than in the second wave of the virus last year. "We know from last fall what will happen if we don't act quickly," said Spahn. Many states are sceptical about the restrictions imposed in the name of corona control and fear even more significant damage to the economy. During the crisis, they have tried to water down the strictest measures or their implementation. Therefore, Chance...
Germany Closes Borders With The Czech Republic and Tyrol
Germany, News

Germany Closes Borders With The Czech Republic and Tyrol

Germany will close its borders with the Czech Republic and the Austrian Tyrol to stop the advance of more contagious corona mutations.   Border traffic for commuters that is still permitted will be monitored even more intensively, German media report. According to German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the measure is intended to take effect this weekend. In the Czech Republic and Tyrol, more and more infections with corona variants are being detected. The Austrian government was already forced to separate Tyrol from the rest of the country. You can only leave with proof of a negative test. The Czech government in Prague decided to lock some regions bordering Germany. The inhabitants are not allowed to leave their region. Hardly anyone is allowed in anymore. Germany had already ...
Merkel Wants to Keep Germany Locked At Least Until the End of February
Europe, Germany, News

Merkel Wants to Keep Germany Locked At Least Until the End of February

German Chancellor Merkel wants to keep her country mostly locked up in the fight against corona at least until the end of February.   In contrast to some states, she does not think it is a good plan to open schools now, German media report. If the corona measures' relaxation becomes possible, the intention is that the primary schools will open immediately, Merkel told Christian Democratic party members. Childcare, hairdressers and shops will also be the first to be dealt with. The German government leader and the states' leaders, who have a lot of power of their own, will again hold top consultation on the corona crisis on Wednesday. They will then consider whether the lockdown, which started on December 16 and expires next weekend, should be extended.
Merkel: No Later Than After Summer A Prick for Every Adult German
Europe, Germany, News

Merkel: No Later Than After Summer A Prick for Every Adult German

After the summer at the latest, every adult German has received an offer for a corona pepper. German Chancellor Merkel is convinced of this after a corona summit in the German capital.   The deliberations had to provide clarity about the still brutal vaccination campaign in the Federal Republic. The government, the sixteen German states, major pharmaceutical companies, and representatives of the European Union, joined the crisis meeting to develop the vaccination policy further. After the consultation, Merkel concluded that it would be possible to arrange vaccination for the 73 million adult Germans before the end of September, as Berlin had already planned. Both government parties and the opposition had pushed for the special vaccination summit to get more clarity. The German va...
Germany Achieves Climate Target Thanks to Corona
Europe, Germany, News

Germany Achieves Climate Target Thanks to Corona

Last year, Germany was able to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions thanks to corona.   According to a German climate think tank, the country has thus been able to meet its target that had already been lost sight of, namely reducing 40 percent compared to emissions in 1990. The Berlin-based Agora Energiewende reports that emissions in 2020 were 42.3 percent less than 30 years ago. Last year, Germany emitted 722 million tons of greenhouse gases, 80 million tons less than before. According to Agora Energiewende, two-thirds of that decline can be traced back to the corona pandemic, which brought industry, travel, and public life to a near standstill. Had it not been for the corona crisis, the drop would have been 25 million tons, which equates to 37.8 percent, the researchers esti...
Germany Lashes Out At Moscow Over Navalny Poisoning
Germany, News, Russia

Germany Lashes Out At Moscow Over Navalny Poisoning

Germany has lashed out at Moscow because the Russians are not doing anything to clear up the case surrounding the poisoned Russian opposition leader Navalny.   Russia had plenty of options, but nothing happened, notes the German Foreign Minister Maas. The minister expressed severe doubts about whether the regime in Moscow is willing to help with the investigation into the poisoning at the end of August. According to the research collective Bellingcat, the Russian intelligence and security service FSB is behind the assassination attempt, but the Russian rulers dismiss it. Russian President Putin calls the reports an attack on Russia. According to him, the opposition leader has not really been poisoned. Navalny is not important enough to be a target, Putin said. "But if someone wan...
The German Government is About to Grant TUI Travel Agency Aid for the Third Time
Business, Germany, News

The German Government is About to Grant TUI Travel Agency Aid for the Third Time

The German government is about to grant TUI travel agency aid for the third time. The official decision is expected soon, Bloomberg news agency reports based on insiders.   TUI is negotiating 1 billion euros in additional financial aid from the special corona relief fund of the German government. That fund can provide credit guarantees, but in some cases also provides capital directly to affected companies. The travel group operates, among other things, hotels, carries out flights and sells package tours. Travel restrictions in place since the corona outbreak have cut nearly all of the company's revenues. TUI says it needs 1.5 billion euros in the short term. The company has already received 3 billion euros in aid from the German government because of the crisis. This concerned e...