Saturday, July 27


Denmark will Remove All Corona Restrictions, Newspaper Reports
Denmark, Europe, News

Denmark will Remove All Corona Restrictions, Newspaper Reports

Denmark will lift all remaining corona restrictions this month. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is expected to announce this on Wednesday, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper writes. However, the government has yet to confirm that.   Denmark, which has more than 5 million inhabitants, has seen the number of corona infections rise rapidly in recent weeks. However, the authorities had already relaxed their corona measures about two weeks ago. Then, for example, cinemas and museums could open their doors again. However, other rules remained in effect. For example, catering businesses still have to deal with adjusted opening hours. According to newspaper sources, Frederiksen will announce at a press conference on Wednesday evening that the remaining measures will also expire. That decision ...
Denmark Also Wants to Offer Corona Vaccines to Teenagers
Denmark, Europe, News

Denmark Also Wants to Offer Corona Vaccines to Teenagers

Denmark will vaccinate teenagers from the age of 12 against the coronavirus. The youngsters will probably have to wait a few more months before it is their turn.   The country's health authority says the other age groups will be given priority. The Danish authorities want to increase the vaccination rate in the country in the run-up to winter by vaccinating teenagers. The youngsters will probably only be offered the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine initially, as the other vaccines have not yet been approved for their age group. Health Authority Director Søren Brostrøm said adult vaccination should be completed by mid-September. In the most optimistic scenario, 75 percent of Danes will be protected against the virus, he said. An additional 4 percent can be added if the adolescents are also ...