Bunk Bed Buying Guide: Choosing the Perfect Bunk Bed

Bunk Bed Buying Guide: Choosing the Perfect Bunk Bed

What are Bunk Beds?

Today, more and more parents prefer buying kids bunk beds for their children to save space and make them feel independent. Since not all households have enough space, it’s quite hard to accommodate beds in a separate room; this is particularly true if you have 2 or more kids at home.

This type of bed is designed to act as “space saver”; it allows kids to sleep together in one room with one bed being placed above the other. It can be accessed by a ladder, making kids excited and thrilled. For them, having a bunk bed at home is like a fun activity that keeps them going.

Due to high demand, kid’s bunk beds are available in a variety of designs, sizes, shapes, styles and features. With huge choices, parents are having a hard time choosing the right bed for their precious kids. You can find a standard bunk bed that frequently comes in “twin over twin” size or “full over full” size.


Things to Consider when Buying Kids Bunk Beds:

• Can it be separated into 2 beds?

If you want to have the flexibility and save more money in the future as your kids grow and as your living situation change, chose bunk beds which can be separated. Unfortunately, not all “separable bunk beds” are created equal; one may appear different than the other.

• Space among the bunks.

This is important especially if you do not want the kids to outgrow the bunks after several years and their heads are already touching the top bunk bottom. Beds are not just for kids alone; it would be nice if it can accommodate apart without hunching over, stooping or cracking their head.

• Height.

It’s essential to consider the height of the bunk bed especially if you have a low ceiling or ceiling fan.

• Trundle.

This is one of the most popular styles of the bunk bed as of these days. But this is not ideal to be used every day mainly if you have limited space. A trundle bunk bed is an excellent option for occasional use or guest bedroom.

• Stairs or ladder?

If you’re planning to buy a bunk bed for kids below five years old, its best to purchase bunk bed that have storage drawers in the ladder or stair so they can safely climb up and down.

• Rail.

For young kids, it’s best to have a high rail to keep them secured and safe. Don’t risk your kids; they need to be protected 24/7, awake and asleep.

• Stability.

Since kids are known to be “hard on furniture” as they rock, yank, bounce and jump the bed, it’s essential to check if its stable. Check the thickness of the bed frame corner pieces, and shake it. All consider the materials used; this will give you an idea if the bed is worth buying.

• Aesthetic.

Before heading the mall, its best to list down your preferred style or aesthetic.

• Storage space available.

It’s best to purchase a bunk bed that comes with extra storage space but don’t forget to consider your open space at home.

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