Saturday, July 27


Prosecutors Demand That Navalny Remain in Prison for 30 Days
News, Russia

Prosecutors Demand That Navalny Remain in Prison for 30 Days

Kremlin critic Aleksej Navalny, detained on Sunday, has been brought to trial and prosecutors are demanding that he remain in prison for 30 days.   Navalny supporters reported this from the place where it is detained, Chimki. About two hundred supporters have gathered at the police station to show their support for Navalny. It is still unclear whether the prosecutors are referring to pre-trial detention until a new trial against Navalny can be held or whether this is a sentence. Prosecutors allege that Navalny has violated the conditions under which he does not have to serve a prison sentence. So he would have to go back to jail. Navalny has previously been sentenced to prison for fraud in controversial criminal cases. Since August, he had been in Germany to recover from an attem...
Germany Lashes Out At Moscow Over Navalny Poisoning
Germany, News, Russia

Germany Lashes Out At Moscow Over Navalny Poisoning

Germany has lashed out at Moscow because the Russians are not doing anything to clear up the case surrounding the poisoned Russian opposition leader Navalny.   Russia had plenty of options, but nothing happened, notes the German Foreign Minister Maas. The minister expressed severe doubts about whether the regime in Moscow is willing to help with the investigation into the poisoning at the end of August. According to the research collective Bellingcat, the Russian intelligence and security service FSB is behind the assassination attempt, but the Russian rulers dismiss it. Russian President Putin calls the reports an attack on Russia. According to him, the opposition leader has not really been poisoned. Navalny is not important enough to be a target, Putin said. "But if someone wan...
President Vladimir Putin Has Pledged Belarus A $ 1.5 Billion Loan
Belarus, News, Russia

President Vladimir Putin Has Pledged Belarus A $ 1.5 Billion Loan

President Vladimir Putin has pledged Belarus a $ 1.5 billion loan. He said Monday during talks with controversial Belarusian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko in the Russian resort of Sochi.   Putin went on to say that the Belarusian people must resolve the current crisis without foreign interference. Putin finds a proposal by Lukashenko to implement constitutional reforms "logical and timely," he said in comments on television. Such a reform allows for early elections. The Belarusian leader told Putin that recent events in Belarus show that Minsk must stay close to Russia. Lukashenko thanked Putin for his help after the controversial presidential election. Putin assured him that Russia remains the largest investor in Belarus. He urged Lukashenko to make more efforts to improve trade b...
Russia and the US are Talking About Space Security Again After Years
News, Russia, US

Russia and the US are Talking About Space Security Again After Years

The US and Russia will hold space security talks for the first time since 2013 next week.   The consultation comes after the US and Britain accused Russia of launching a space weapon capable of firing at satellites. An official in charge of international security at the US State Department told Vienna in Vienna that a possible topic in the consultations could be to clarify that space is a "lawless and non-governed space". According to London and Washington, Russia shot a projectile in the air last week that was recognized by the countries as an anti-satellite weapon. Moscow has denied that.
President Putin Wants to Tax Wealthy Russians A Little More
News, Russia

President Putin Wants to Tax Wealthy Russians A Little More

Wealthy Russians have to pay a little more tax. Russian President Putin wants them to pay 15 percent of their income above 5 million rubles.   Now that income tax is 13 percent. The increase is expected to take effect on January 1 and would bring the state 60 billion rubles annually, Putin said during a speech on television. The announcement comes a week before a referendum on a significant change to the constitution. Putin hopes that the people will support the proposal so that he can remain in power until 2036.
Violence Against Women in Russia Doubled Due to Corona Lockdown
News, Russia

Violence Against Women in Russia Doubled Due to Corona Lockdown

The corona lockdown has more than doubled violence against women in Russia. In April, more than 13,000 complaints were received at special reporting points.   In March, when there was no strict curfew yet, there were just over 6,000 reports of domestic violence. The government's special envoy for human rights finds it a major problem that women are often unable to leave the house to go to the police or otherwise seek help. She wants women to be allowed to be safe in stay-away-from-my-homes even during the mandatory quarantine. According to the human rights organization Amnesty International, domestic violence in Hungary has also doubled as a result of the corona measures. The United Nations is seeing an increase in violence against women worldwide due to the corona crisis.
European Diplomats Accuse Russia of Spreading Fake News about Coronavirus
Europe, News, Russia

European Diplomats Accuse Russia of Spreading Fake News about Coronavirus

According to an internal report from the EU diplomatic service, Russia is using the coronavirus to create confusion, panic and fear in the West by spreading massive fake news about the virus.   This was reported by the British newspaper Financial Times and the news agency Reuters, who were able to view the report. The Kremlin denies. According to the report by European diplomats, the Kremlin is attempting to aggravate the corona crisis through Russian media by "undermining an extensive disinformation campaign" undermining confidence in Western healthcare systems. "In this way, it tries to prevent the epidemic from being tackled efficiently." That approach is in line with the broader strategy of undermining European societies, reads the nine-page document released on March 16. The...
Putin Announces Reform of Power in Russia, Mikhail Mizustin Becomes New PM
News, Russia

Putin Announces Reform of Power in Russia, Mikhail Mizustin Becomes New PM

In Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced the resignation of his government. He did so shortly after President Vladimir Putin announced far-reaching reforms of power structures.   Meanwhile, Mikhail Misjoestin, the head of the tax authorities, has been appointed as new prime minister. A lot is going on in Russia. This morning, President Putin announced in his "State of the Union" a reform of the constitution that would, among other things, limit the power of his successor to shift more influence to the government and parliament. Shortly after that, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the resignation of the entire government. According to Medvedev, this is necessary to facilitate President Putin's reforms. Medvedev will become Vice-President of the National Secu...
Ukraine Says that Russia Lays Foundation for Gigantic Digital Attack
Europe, International, News, Russia, Tech, Ukraine

Ukraine Says that Russia Lays Foundation for Gigantic Digital Attack

Ukraine Says that Russia Lays Foundation for Gigantic Digital Attack. According to the authorities in Ukraine, Russian hackers lay the foundation for a "gigantic digital attack" on the land, published by The Express Paper.   They do so by infecting companies in Ukraine with malware so that so-called digital backdoors open up, says the head of the Ukrainian cyber police against Reuters news agency. According to the authorities, the malware suggests that the spreaders intend to attack at a particular moment. For example, banks and companies in the energy sector would have been targeted by the malware. In June 2017, Ukraine was struck by the attack with the NotPetya software, which made computers inaccessible. According to the United States and the United Kingdom, Russia was behind t...