Saturday, July 27


After Brexit, The Netherlands Must Work More Closely
Europe, News, Politics, UK

After Brexit, The Netherlands Must Work More Closely

After Brexit, the Netherlands must Work more Closely with Spain and Italy. After the Brexit, the Netherlands has to look for new allies.   It can be read in a Friday published advice from the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) at the request of the House of Representatives. Traditionally the Netherlands is on a par with the Northern European countries,  the Benelux countries and the Baltic States, but they do not form a majority within the EU. Therefore, the focus should be on better collaboration with large Member States such as Spain and Italy. In Europe, the Netherlands could usually count on the support of the United Kingdom when it came to plans for trade,  the European multiannual budget or to curb pro-European policies of France and Germany. Member States f...
Inflation In The Eurozone Falls Towards The Level
Europe, News

Inflation In The Eurozone Falls Towards The Level

Inflation in the Eurozone falls Towards the level Desired by the ECB. Inflation in the eurozone has declined slightly this month compared to the previous month.   In July the inflation rate was 2.1 percent on an annual basis, in August it was 2.0 percent. It is evident from an estimate by Eurostat, the statistical agency of the eurozone. Analysts thought that inflation would remain unchanged. In the energy sector, the inflation rate is highest, at 9.2 percent, against 9.5 percent in July. For food, alcohol and tobacco, annual inflation remained stable at 2.5 percent. Core inflation, the figure without energy, alcohol, food and drink, was 1.1 percent. That was 1.0 percent in July. Inflation figure of importance for ECB policy The inflation figure is fundamental to the strateg...
How to Position the New Role in the UK after Brexit
Business, Europe, News, Politics, UK

How to Position the New Role in the UK after Brexit

After Brexit, Britain's top priority is to clarify how its foreign policy influences the international landscape and what mechanisms are in place to preserve the influence of the UK's “new role”.   Looking back at history, strategic thinking about "where the UK is going" has been around for a long time. Today, this historical issue has returned to the public eye. In 1962, US Secretary of State Dean Acheson claimed that "Great Britain lost its empire but failed to find a new role. She attempted to play a unique role of power, a role that deviated from Europe and based on the special relationship between the United States and Britain; A role based on the leadership of the Commonwealth. This federation has no dominant power, no political consensus, no power, and enjoys a fragile and ...
IMF: Hard Brexit Badly Hits The Netherlands
Europe, International, News, UK

IMF: Hard Brexit Badly Hits The Netherlands

IMF: Hard Brexit badly Hits the Netherlands. The Netherlands is one of the countries most likely to be hit by a so-called 'hard Brexit', according to a calculation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday.   If the United Kingdom leaves the European Union without trade agreements, the scenario of a strong Brexit, the Netherlands can make 0.7 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). The calculation of the IMF also shows that only Ireland will be hit harder. For this country, the decline would be 4 percent. The IMF investigated the outcomes of a tough Brexit for the 27 European member states. Also reveals that especially open economies that trade a lot with the United Kingdom, such as Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium, will be hit relatively more heavily. ...
KLM Sees Some Passengers Growing By One Million
Business, Europe, News

KLM Sees Some Passengers Growing By One Million

KLM Sees some Passengers growing by One Million in the first Six Months. In the first six months of the year, KLM welcomed a large number of passengers in its aircraft compared to the same period last year. Up to and including June, 16.6 million passengers boarded KLM.   It means an improvement in the passenger flow with one million passengers. In June more than 2.9 million passengers boarded KLM. That amounts to an increase of 2.7 percent. The total turnover per kilometre flew 3.6 percent higher. The occupancy rate was 90.5 percent. Aeroplanes of KLM were never as crowded according to society itself. According to CEO Pieter Elbers of KLM, the growth figures show that hard work has paid off. The CEO stated earlier that the airline company is being slowed down in its growth due t...
Cabinet Nominates Schoof As A New Director Of The Intelligence
Europe, International, News

Cabinet Nominates Schoof As A New Director Of The Intelligence

Cabinet nominates Schoof as a new Director of the Intelligence Service AIVD. Dick Schoof will lead the intelligence and security service AIVD. He has been National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) since 2013.   The Cabinet will nominate him Friday, confirming sources after reporting by the NOS. Schoof succeeds Rob Bertholee. His term ends later this year. The AIVD has the task of protecting national security by "timely identification of threats, international political improvements and risks that are not immediately visible". One of the tasks of the NCTV is to minimise the risk of terrorist attacks in the Netherlands. Schoof was also involved in the aftermath of the MH17 disaster. The NCTV is also involved in cybersecurity. According to Schoof, Netherlands has...
Financial Position Pension Funds Stable In June
Europe, International, News

Financial Position Pension Funds Stable In June

Financial position Pension Funds Stable in June. The financial position of the Dutch pension funds remained stable in June compared to the previous month.   According to research agency Aon, the funds had to deal with minimal movements in interest rates and terms of their investments. Resulted in the so-called funding ratio at the same level. This indicator, which shows the extent to which the funds can meet their responsibilities, averaged 111 per cent last month. Means that the Dutch pension sector is still not out of trouble. Many funds do not expect to be able to increase their pensions in the coming years. The chance of discounts is still in the air. In The Hague, the social partners have been working for a long time on a large-scale improvement of the pension system. But th...
Cry for Help and Employers: Hurry up with that Brexit!
Europe, News, Politics, UK

Cry for Help and Employers: Hurry up with that Brexit!

Cry for Help and Employers: Hurry up with that Brexit! London and Brussels have to make much more haste with the Brexit. If they do not agree on the time and the British leave the Union without agreement by the end of March next year, it will be disastrous for companies, workers and communities on both sides of the Channel.   British and European trade unions and employers' organisations say this in a collective cry for help to the European leaders of state and government, who will have the Brexit again on their agenda next Friday. On behalf of 45 million employees and 20 million employers, the four organisations (BusinessEurope, the Confederation of British Industry, the Trades Union Congress and the European Trade Union Confederation) are calling on the leaders to put a great dea...
Burqa Ban in the Netherlands
Europe, International, Netherlands, News

Burqa Ban in the Netherlands

Burqa Ban in the Netherlands. There will be 'a burqa ban' in Dutch educational and care institutions, in government buildings and on public transport, reports GOK News.   The Senate agreed on Tuesday with a partial ban on 'wearing face-covering clothing'. This includes theoretically also balaclavas and full-face helmets. GroenLinks, SP, D66 and PvdA voted against the motion. The support in the Senate for the proposal was less than in the Lower House at the end of 2016. At that time only D66, GroenLinks and the current Denk-Kamerleden voted against Öztürk and Kuzu. The motion only applies to employees in a public function - individual companies may determine their own house rules. The proposal states that the Lower House must evaluate the law after three years. It must also be cons...
Albania Rejects European Refugee Center
Albania, Europe, International, News

Albania Rejects European Refugee Center

Albania does not want a centre of the European Union on its territory where migrants are taken care of. "We will never accept such a European refugee camp," says Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to the German newspaper Bild.   Even if the EU grants membership to its country in exchange, it would reject the proposal. Rama is fundamentally opposed to 'dumping despairing people somewhere as toxic waste that no one wants'. According to Rama, Albania is willing to make a just contribution to helping European countries, but its state cannot take on all the problems. It is 'a dangerous solution to make Albania the breakwater for European refugees', he says. On Tuesday The Greater reports, European pressure from the European Union under pressure from Germany will give the green light to s...