Saturday, July 27


President Trump Wants to Reverse Loss in the State of Wisconsin
News, Politics, US

President Trump Wants to Reverse Loss in the State of Wisconsin

President Donald Trump makes another attempt to reverse his loss in the US presidential election. He took legal action against Wisconsin state authorities.   The state had confirmed the day before that Trump's rival Biden had won the majority there. As a result, Biden's national victory has become even stronger. Regional media are talking about a last-ditch effort to reclaim a state. In Wisconsin, Trump lost about 20,700 votes. The Republican president filed a lawsuit against the governor, who is a party member of the Democrat Biden. Trump has made virtually no progress with lawsuits in other states that were decisive for Biden's election victory. Time is running out, American media emphasize. By law, the results of each state are fixed if not successfully challenged before Decem...
Germans in September to Vote for the New Government
Germany, News, Politics

Germans in September to Vote for the New Government

Germans will go to the polls next year on September 26 to elect a new government, if it is up to Minister Horst Seehofer of the Interior.   The only alternative is September 19, but the federal states and political parties opt for the 26th. It is President Frank Walter-Steinmeier who has to make the formal decision. Federal elections should not coincide with school holidays and should take place on a Sunday or national holiday, Seehofer said. With those limitations, only two dates remained. Germany is obliged to organize a new ballot box 46 to 48 months after the last Bundestag elections. The elections must reveal who will lead Germany until 2025. The current Chancellor Angela Merkel (66), head of government since 2005, is not going for a new term.
Trump Wins Alaska, But That Doesn’t Change the Election Results
News, Politics, US

Trump Wins Alaska, But That Doesn’t Change the Election Results

US and international media proclaim Donald Trump as the winner of the presidential election in the northern state of Alaska.   That victory gives President Trump three extra electors, bringing him to a total of 217 electors. Joe Biden currently has 279 electoral votes and remains the winner of the US presidential election. US President Donald Trump has been named the winner of the Alaska presidential election by various US and international media outlets. That brings Trump to a total of 217 electoral votes across the country. Joe Biden currently has 279 electoral votes to his name, nine more than the 270 needed to win the presidential election. The media proclaimed Joe Biden the winner, as is customary in the United States. Although President Trump disputes that unofficial electi...
US Election Standings: Biden Passes Trump in Pennsylvania
News, Politics, US

US Election Standings: Biden Passes Trump in Pennsylvania

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has provisionally caught up with President Donald Trump in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania (20 electors).   Biden now has a lead of 5,587 votes over Trump. If Biden doesn't lose his lead in Pennsylvania anymore, he'll have enough electors to win the presidential election. If Trump wants to have a chance of the second term of office, he must win all states where no decision has yet been made.
Trump’s Lead in Georgia Declined Further
News, Politics, US

Trump’s Lead in Georgia Declined Further

President Donald Trump's lead over his Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the crucial swing state of Georgia (16 electors) has shrunk further.   CNN reports that Biden is just over 18,500 votes behind Trump in the state. Earlier in the morning, Trump defended a 24,000 vote lead, according to The New York Times, and several media outlets reported that the Republican had 100,000 more voters by midnight. According to various American media, Biden owes his catch-up to votes from Atlanta and the surrounding area, where many Democrats live. However, votes are also expected from rural areas where many people are expected to vote for Trump. 96 percent of the votes have now been counted in Georgia. Trump stands at 49.6 percent and Biden at 49.2 percent in various counts. If the difference ...
American Election Debate Less Popular Than in 2016
News, Politics, US

American Election Debate Less Popular Than in 2016

The first election debate between President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden, in which the two rivals scolded each other, attracted fewer viewers than the first game four years ago between presidential candidates Trump and Hillary Clinton.   This is evident from the first preliminary viewing figures, reported by The Hollywood Reporter. An estimated 28.8 million people tuned in to the big four channels ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, less than the record number of 45.3 million viewers in 2016. Not all viewing figures have been received yet. Ultimately, at least 84.4 million people watched the debate four years ago, the most massive audience in the 60-year history of such single combat on American television. The Hollywood Reporter now expects a figure well below that record.
Trump is Considering Putting His Own Money into the Campaign
News, Politics, US

Trump is Considering Putting His Own Money into the Campaign

President Trump is willing to put his own money into his election campaign if necessary.   He has consulted in his own circle about an amount that can amount to 100 million dollars, Bloomberg news agency heard from insiders. Trump has not yet taken a decision on funding his own campaign out of pocket, but to reporters, the president told reporters he would if necessary. Trump contributed $ 66 million to his campaign four years ago, but it has never happened before that a sitting president spends money to be re-elected.
US Supreme Court: Election Men Must Support the Winning Candidate
News, Politics, US

US Supreme Court: Election Men Must Support the Winning Candidate

US states are allowed to compel so-called electoral votes to vote for the presidential candidate who received the most votes in that state, the United States Supreme Court unanimously finds.   With that ruling, the Supreme Court agrees with the states of Washington and Colorado. The President of the United States is not elected directly, but indirectly. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes. The Electoral College out of a total of 538 electoral votes eventually elects the President. The principle applies that the candidate who receives the most votes in a state will receive all the electors from that state. However, some electors in Washington and Colorado, contrary to that principle, refused to vote for Hillary Clinton, who won the 2016 presidential election in tho...
South Koreans are Electing A Parliament in Full Epidemic With Masks and Gloves
News, Politics, South Korea

South Koreans are Electing A Parliament in Full Epidemic With Masks and Gloves

A new parliament is elected today in South Korea. This happens under the shadow of the corona epidemic under stringent regulations, but everyone can vote, including people in quarantine.   Korea is the first democratic country to hold elections in the corona crisis, and preliminary results show that voters appreciate President Moon Jae-in's approach to the corona crisis. No fewer than 550,000 people have been deployed to keep 14,000 polling stations safe during these times. Those who vote must adhere to strict conditions. For example, people should wear a mask and gloves and keep at least a meter away. Disinfectant hand gel is also provided, and the temperature is measured. Those who have a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees must vote in a separate room.
EU Finanlly Agrees to Brexit Flextension Until January 31
News, Politics

EU Finanlly Agrees to Brexit Flextension Until January 31

The European Union gives the Uk until 31 January to leave the Union. That was decided by the EU ambassadors from your 27 other Member Claims right after the British experienced wanted an extension. Brussels also allows London to depart the Union before, in case the British come out earlier.   The European Union affords the British yet another 90 days to arrange the exit from your Union. Usually, the United Kingdom had to leave the European Union on October 31, so following Thursday. Because the British themselves have not appear however, they had asked for a delay a week ago. They have acquired that now, records Donald Tusk, the Chief executive from the European Council. Tusk adds that this exact procedure has yet to be created. That can occur tomorrow the record is expected to bec...