Saturday, July 27


IMF CEO: Global Inflation Seems to Have Peaked
Business, News, World

IMF CEO: Global Inflation Seems to Have Peaked

Global inflation appears to have peaked. That's what top woman Kristalina Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said at the climate summit in Egypt. But, according to her, inflation will remain stubbornly high for the foreseeable future. Important inflation figures from the United States will be released later this week. This should indicate a further slowdown in inflation in the world's largest economy in October. Georgieva says she does not want to prejudge those numbers but thinks a peak may have been reached. She says that central banks are rightly united in fighting inflation by raising interest rates sharply. But it will be difficult to bring inflation down really quickly to the desired level of about 2 percent, the IMF director thinks. This is because e...
Nearly 5000 Monkeypox Cases Reported Worldwide
News, World

Nearly 5000 Monkeypox Cases Reported Worldwide

Nearly 5,000 cases of the monkeypox virus have been reported worldwide this year. In more than 40 countries where the virus was practically non-existent until May, 3308 cases have now been registered, according to the American health authority CDC.   Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) show an additional 1,600 infections in eight African countries that have had such outbreaks for years. The WHO called on experts on Thursday to assess whether an "emergency of international concern" has now emerged, the highest alert level WHO can set. The WHO usually follows the recommendations of the experts. It is expected that the advice will not come on Thursday, but only later this week. Most cases outside Africa have been reported in Europe, namely 2,746. Almost all infected pers...
Global Food Prices Slightly Below Record High
Business, News, World

Global Food Prices Slightly Below Record High

Global food prices fell slightly in April but are still just below record highs. This is reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).   The price of, among other things, grain has risen sharply due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. Grain became a fraction cheaper last month. In March, the price rose by 17 percent due to the war in Ukraine. That country, together with Russia, accounts for about 30 percent of all wheat exports in the world. About 20 percent of all exported maize comes from Russia and Ukraine. Corn also became slightly cheaper compared to March. The index with which the FAO measures the price development of many raw materials for food products fell to a position of 158.5 points. However, that's a minimal drop from March's revise...
IMF: War in Ukraine Affects Economies in More Than 140 Countries
Business, News, Ukraine, World

IMF: War in Ukraine Affects Economies in More Than 140 Countries

The war in Ukraine is causing an economic blow that is being felt across most of the world. Therefore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is forced to lower forecasts for economic growth in 143 countries, accounting for 86 percent of the world economy.   Global growth is expected to slow this year and next, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said in a speech in Washington. Next week, the IMF will again present new economic estimates. It is usual for the fund's boss to lift a corner of the veil the week before. She points out that the war is not hitting all economies equally. The worst blow will, of course, fall on Ukraine itself, but Russia, which international sanctions have heavily isolated, is also likely to experience "severe contraction". In other countries, it is mainly the di...
The Acute Phase of the Corona Pandemic could be Over This Year, According to WHO
News, World

The Acute Phase of the Corona Pandemic could be Over This Year, According to WHO

The acute phase of the global corona pandemic could be over this year if countries use all available tools to fight the virus.   According to the head of the World Health Organization WHO, that goal can be achieved if the vaccination gap between rich and poor countries is closed and if more testing is done. After that, the world will have to learn to live with the virus. "We can end the Covid-19 health crisis, and we can do that this year," the WHO said vaccinate, the WHO leader told health ministers and other officials from 34 countries. According to him, there is a need to hurry, and he warns against the omikron variant. The virus can only be stopped if 70 percent of the population of all countries is vaccinated in the coming months. In Africa, 85 percent of the inhabitants have...
WHO Cautiously Optimistic: 2022 Could Be the Year When the Acute Pandemic is Over
News, World

WHO Cautiously Optimistic: 2022 Could Be the Year When the Acute Pandemic is Over

Nearly two years after China officially announced the first coronavirus infection, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is cautiously optimistic about 2022. "This could be the year the acute pandemic is over," he said—a press conference in Geneva.   The most severe effects of the pandemic could fade by next year. "We can end the phase of hospitalizations and deaths," said WHO expert Mike Ryan. The WHO is also counting more on the use of drugs in the treatment of Covid-19 next year. The current wave of the omikron variant is troubling, he said. Together with the delta variant, a "contamination sunami" could develop, according to Tedros. In the meantime, the omicron variant is certainly spreading much faster than the delta variant. It is now the domin...
UNICEF: Many Billions Needed for Emergency Aid for Children in 2022
News, World

UNICEF: Many Billions Needed for Emergency Aid for Children in 2022

Global emergency aid to children will require at least $9.4 billion next year, UNICEF says. The UN agency estimates that more than 177 million children in 145 countries and regions will need help.   These are children affected by humanitarian crises and the Covid pandemic and in dire need. The estimated amount is the largest ever and almost a quarter higher than in 2021. "Millions of children worldwide are suffering the effects of conflict, extreme weather events and the climate crisis. As the Covid pandemic enters its third year, the plight of these children is exacerbated by faltering economies, growing poverty and rising inequality. "As always, it is the children who are already going through a crisis that is being hit hardest. They urgently need help," said UNICEF Director Henr...
Global Advance of Omicron Variant Unstoppable, Increase in South Africa Worrying
News, World

Global Advance of Omicron Variant Unstoppable, Increase in South Africa Worrying

The worldwide advance of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is unstoppable. Despite travel bans and additional restrictions, the new variant has now been adopted in at least 25 countries.   In South Africa, where it was discovered, the Omicron variant is already present in three-quarters of the new infections. After discovering the variant last month in the densely populated South African province of Gauteng, panic set in. Several countries imposed bans on flights from southern Africa (South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe) or entry bans for residents of those countries. That has not prevented the spread of Omicron. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the variant has been identified in 25 countries. Greece is currently the last c...