Saturday, July 27


US Adopts Standards for Quantum-Resistant Security
News, Tech, US

US Adopts Standards for Quantum-Resistant Security

Real, workable quantum computers do not yet exist, but new cryptography standards should already ensure that they do not immediately crack all security.   The US government has chosen new standards for a 'post-quantum' world. After a six-year competition, the government organization National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), which manages technical standards, has chosen four cryptographic algorithms that must be able to withstand cracking attempts by quantum computers. For general encryption to secure websites, NIST chose Crystals-Kyber, which uses fairly small encryption keys and thus can be exchanged quickly and efficiently between two computers. There are three different algorithms for digital signatures, i.e. to prove which data was sent by whom. The first is Cryst...
Spirit Airlines Descends Cautiously on Wall Street
Business, News, US

Spirit Airlines Descends Cautiously on Wall Street

Spirit Airlines was among the largest decliners on the stock exchanges in New York on Monday with a loss of more than 5 percent.   The budget airline stands by its decision to merge with competitor Frontier Airlines and to accept the offer of 2.7 billion dollars from Frontier Group, the owner of Frontier Airlines. Spirit Airlines thus rejects the hostile bid of 3.7 billion dollars from its peer JetBlue. JetBlue rose 1.3 percent. The mood on Wall Street was cautious after the solid price gains of around 3 percent on Friday. Shortly after opening, the Dow-Jones index was 0.1 percent lower at 31,455 points. The S&P 500 fell 0.2 percent to 3,901 points. However, the index of the five hundred largest listed companies in the United States is still heading for the largest price loss i...
Former Trump Campaign Director will Not Testify Before Capitol Storming Commission Investigation
News, US

Former Trump Campaign Director will Not Testify Before Capitol Storming Commission Investigation

Former US President Donald Trump's campaign director Bill Stepien has cancelled his announced testimony before the Commission of Inquiry into the January 2021 Capitol storming at the last minute.   According to American media, including CNN, he did so because of "a family emergency". Stepien's testimony was eagerly awaited. Video fragments of an earlier interrogation behind closed doors may now be shown. The hearing started an hour late. She was originally supposed to start at 10 a.m. local time (4 p.m. with us). A former employee of the Trump-loyal television channel Fox News and several Republicans would also testify. To date, Trump continues to claim without any evidence that his loss in the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. For weeks he tried using the most questionab...
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Arrested Over Capitol Riot
News, US

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Arrested Over Capitol Riot

The FBI Thursday arrested Ryan Kelley, a Republican nominee for governor of Michigan, for his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol in Washington. Kelley is one of five Republicans in the state competing to face Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer in November.   According to a statement from an FBI agent, Kelley was caught on video in a crowd of people "attacking and pushing law enforcement aside" in the Capitol. Other images show Kelley climbing on an "architectural element" near the stairs leading to the building. He is then seen waving his hand to encourage the crowd to go up. Kelley is charged with knowingly trespassing, disorderly conduct, and knowingly damaging "American property". He is one of more than 840 people charged so far in connection with the Capitol at...
Texas Police Admit Mistake in Uvalde Shooting
News, US

Texas Police Admit Mistake in Uvalde Shooting

Texas police made a "wrong choice" by failing to intervene immediately in the Uvalde elementary school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers.   The state's chief security officer, Steven McCraw, said so Friday. "It was the wrong decision. Period," McCraw said. Among other things, the local police waited for a special police team to enter the classroom and take out the gunman. According to McCraw, it should have been different. As a result, it took a long time before action was taken. McCraw said the commander at the scene believed none of the students in the room was alive. McCraw also released a timetable of events on Friday. The 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos entered the school at 11:33 a.m. local time. The first officers arrived within two minutes and not long a...
Judge Dismisses Trump Complaint Over Twitter Ban
News, Tech, US

Judge Dismisses Trump Complaint Over Twitter Ban

Former President Donald Trump wanted to force a federal judge to regain access to his blocked Twitter account, but he dismissed the case.   Twitter and other social media platforms banned Trump last year after his supporters stormed the Capitol. The judge indicated that Trump's lawyers could amend the complaint and try again, but then they must demonstrate that blocking Trump's account is tantamount to government censorship. "That is not an easy claim," the judge warned. Trump's team of lawyers says they are thinking about the next steps. The former president believes that Twitter has unfairly 'censored' him by placing warnings with his messages. Since the presidential elections in November, the platform has placed warnings on messages from the president in which he spread inaccu...
Study Shows: Firearms Most Common Cause of Death in American Children
News, US

Study Shows: Firearms Most Common Cause of Death in American Children

Firearms incidents were the leading cause of death in children under 19 in the United States in 2020. According to a University of Michigan study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, this puts them at the forefront of road accidents.   The authors took a closer look at data from the US health service CDC for their study. More than 4,300 children and young people in the US were killed in shooting incidents in 2020. That is an increase of 29 percent in one year. 3,900 children lost their lives as a result of traffic accidents. The third leading cause of death was poisoning or overdose, killing more than 1,700 children and young people. That figure increased by more than 83 percent compared to 2019. “The rising number of fatal firearms incidents is a long-ter...
White House: Biden Shows His Commitment to NATO in Poland
Europe, News, Poland, US

White House: Biden Shows His Commitment to NATO in Poland

US President Joe Biden on Friday visited US troops stationed in Poland, not far from the border with Ukraine. The visit was part of his two-day visit to Poland.   The White House said the visit symbolized the US's commitment to protecting other NATO countries, an obligation Biden has repeatedly described as "sacred." Biden visited soldiers from the 82nd US Airborne Division, the last US division to leave Afghanistan last summer and now part of NATO forces in Eastern Europe. US forces have increased their presence in Eastern Europe since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and have currently stationed 10,500 troops in Poland. "You are in the middle of a battle between democracies and autocrats," Biden told the military. "What you do is important, really important." Later, Biden will a...
NATO Posts Battle Groups in Four More Eastern Member States
News, US

NATO Posts Battle Groups in Four More Eastern Member States

NATO is stationing another four so-called battlegroups in member states that see Russia advancing towards their borders as a result of the war in Ukraine.   The battalions, made up of soldiers from various NATO countries, will be located in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said. Poland and the three Baltic countries bordering Russia already had such a battle group of about a thousand men so far. These are doubled in size. Stoltenberg is counting on the leaders of the thirty NATO member states to give their blessing to the new units at their summit in Brussels tomorrow. "That means we have eight battlegroups along the entire eastern flank from the Baltic to the Black Sea," said the Norwegian secretary-general. NATO also wants to help Ukraine def...
Two American Crewmembers from Space Station ISS Started Spacewalk
News, Tech, US

Two American Crewmembers from Space Station ISS Started Spacewalk

Two American crewmembers from the International Space Station ISS started a spacewalk on Tuesday, as could be seen directly on NASA TV.   Kayla Barron and Raya Chari switched to their spacesuits' internal systems at 1:12 PM GMT, officially beginning a spacewalk that would last approximately 6.5 hours. The duo must assemble and install infrastructure to upgrade the solar panels, NASA says. Ultimately, the spacemeccano will have 215 kilowatts of power compared to 160 kilowatts now. For Barron, it is the second spacewalk of her career; for Chari, it is the first. Four Americans, two Russians, and one German currently live and work on the ISS on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA). According to NASA, "nothing has changed" since the Russian invasion of Ukraine concerning the spa...