Saturday, July 27


The European Union Wants to Enter into A Dialogue With the United States and China
China, Europe, News, US

The European Union Wants to Enter into A Dialogue With the United States and China

The European Union wants to enter into a particular dialogue with the United States and China.   "Our special cooperation is crucial," said EU foreign chief Josep Borrell after video talks of EU foreign ministers with their US counterpart Mike Pompeo. The US insists that the EU speak out more forcefully against, among other things, the security law that gives Beijing more power in Hong Kong. Still, Borrell does not want to take one side because China is also a valuable partner. According to him, it is difficult to find the right balance. The EU and China will hold summits next week. Close cooperation with the US is needed, especially around Hong Kong, said Borrell, who, despite all kinds of disagreements with the Trump administration, wants to continue to focus entirely on the tr...
US and China Pledge to Adhere to Trade Deal
Business, China, News, US

US and China Pledge to Adhere to Trade Deal

Chinese and US trade delegates on Friday committed to creating “favourable conditions” for achieving the so-called Phase 1 deal signed in January.   The US government announced this on Friday. The Phase 1 deal previously provisionally ended the trade war between the economic superpowers. In the deal, China promised, among other things, to buy more American agricultural products and to further open up the financial market to foreign parties. The US waived a previously announced round of new import taxes. According to US government officials, Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He consulted by telephone on Friday with trade envoy Robert Lighthizer and Minister Steven Mnuchin (Finance). Both countries agreed that "good progress" has been made in fulfilling the agreement. Despite the...
USA: China Reported Corona Outbreak Too Late
China, News, US

USA: China Reported Corona Outbreak Too Late

The United States believes that China reported the coronavirus outbreak too late to the World Health Organization (WHO).   "And even after that, they did not share all the information they had at their disposal," said Secretary of State Mike Mike Pompeo. Pompeo states that China was trying to keep secret how dangerous the new virus was. That surfaced last year in the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan and spread around the world in the months that followed. The US is now the most affected worldwide. There the government points with an accusing finger to China and the WHO. "We are convinced that the Chinese Communist Party did not report the outbreak of the new coronavirus to the World Health Organization in time," said Pompeo at a news conference. According to him, that should have happ...
Quarantine Hotel Collapses in China: Seventy People Under the Rubble
China, News

Quarantine Hotel Collapses in China: Seventy People Under the Rubble

In the Chinese city of Quanzhou, in the Fujian province, a hotel collapsed on Saturday evening. Seventy people would have ended up under the rubble.   This has been learned from official sources. The Xinjia hotel, which has eighty rooms, was recently converted into a quarantine room for corona patients, reports the Volksdagblad, the official mouthpiece of the Chinese communist party. The hotel collapsed around 7.30 p.m. local time. Around 9 p.m., 23 people were already relieved, the provincial government says in a press release.
More Than 5,000 New Cases of Coronavirus in China
China, News

More Than 5,000 New Cases of Coronavirus in China

There are now officially 1,380 deaths and 63,854 infections with the new coronavirus in China. A total of 1,700 doctors and nurses could no longer work due to the Covid-19 disease.   The increase is mainly in the closed province of Hubei. For the first time, there is also a dead person in Japan. In recent days there has been a lack of clarity about the official figures in China. The number of deaths and infections with the coronavirus continues to rise. According to the Chinese government, there are now 63,854 people infected with the virus. That is just over 5,000 more than a day ago. It is striking that 4,800 of them were affected in the quarantined province of Hubei where the virus first broke out. The number of deaths in one day also increased by 121 to 1,380. Here too, the m...
China and US Agreement does not Stop the Trade War
China, News, US

China and US Agreement does not Stop the Trade War

The signing of the Phase 1 trade agreement by China and the United States later this week does not end the trade war between the economic superpowers.   Deputy President Myron Brilliant of the American Chamber of Commerce warns about this. According to Brilliant, who explained in Beijing, it applies to both camps that there will have been a sigh of relief. But he immediately added that it is essential that both countries demonstrate the need to make progress in the phase 2 negotiations. He pointed out, among other things, that there are no structural solutions for specific "core issues" yet. Brilliant cited the Chinese subsidies for state-owned companies and industrial policy as an example of an uneven playing field. Also, the US maintained $ 370 billion in taxes on Chinese goods...
Thousands Crowded Taipei Streets in East Asia’s Most Massive Pride March
Asia, China, News

Thousands Crowded Taipei Streets in East Asia’s Most Massive Pride March

Inside the Taiwanese money Taipei, 170,000 to 200,000 folks participated in the Great pride Parade on Saturday. Participants waved rainbow flags to convey their help for that recently approved LGBT marital life.   Taiwan was the initial Asian nation in May to enable marital life between 2 people of the same sexual intercourse. In the meantime, more than two thousand LGBT partners have previously wedded. Strengthened with this determine, a record volume of LGBT men and women and sympathisers take part in the Great satisfaction Parade in Taipei five days afterwards. while viewing president's recognized home, A lot more than two hundred organisations are joining the slogan "Homosexuals are fantastic neighbours" within the colourful procession which leads for the sq . before the "Exc...
Hundreds Of Employees Google Demand Transparency
China, International, News, Tech

Hundreds Of Employees Google Demand Transparency

Hundreds of Employees Google demand Transparency about Chinese Search Engines. Hundreds of Google employees want the company to be more transparent about suspicious plans to grow into the Chinese market.   That turns out Thursday from a call that the employees jointly sent to the company top, according to reports. The staff requires one employee to be able to supervise the initiative. "Google employees need to understand what is being built here," according to the internal message. In early August, rumours surfaced about a censored Google search engine in China. By editing messages, the company would try to adhere to the strict Internet rules of the country. Do not be evil The tech giant's staff worries that Google will abandon its company motto "Do not be evil". With censorsh...
Trump is Weakening Measures Against China Investments
Business, China, International, News, US

Trump is Weakening Measures Against China Investments

Trump is Weakening Measures Against China Investments. Donald Trump slightly weakened his plans for restrictions on Chinese investment in the United States.   In the fight against the theft of intellectual property, the American president wants to increase the powers of the governmental body CFIUS, which looks at acquisitions by foreign investors. Initially, it was feared for further measures by Trump against China, posted by the Planet Blog. Reportedly, he initially wanted to block investments from the People's Republic in essential sectors such as ICT, aviation and biotechnology, based on a little-used emergency law. As a result, he could take protectionist measures on his initiative. By now aiming for protection through CFIUS, he must continue to cooperate with the Congress.
Trade War between the US and China Provisionally Shut Down
China, International, News, US

Trade War between the US and China Provisionally Shut Down

Trade War between the US and China Provisionally Shut Down. The US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Sunday evening on the Fox News channel that the trade war between his country and China is stagnant for the time being. US import duties on Chinese steel have been suspended after both countries have made progress in the trade negotiations held in the past two days, says eWorldNews.   We stop the trade war. We suspend the import duties until we have an agreement on all details, "Mnuchin said. The US further demands that China do more to counter patent violations and subsidies for its manufacturing industry are scaled back. According to the Chinese news agency Xinhua, the countries agree on several issues, but some are not yet. President Donald Trump had previously threatened ...