Saturday, July 27

Six People Injured in Stabbing in the Scottish City of Glasgow

At least six people have been stabbed at the entrance of a hotel in the Scottish city of Glasgow. The suspect was shot and killed by the police.


British media previously reported three deaths, but have since withdrawn that message. The police do not treat the case as a terrorist act. The investigation is still ongoing.

Several people were stabbed in front of the Park Inn hotel on West George Street, in the centre of Glasgow, this afternoon.

Who is behind the attack and why it is not yet clear.

Armed officers came to the scene, and the street and a wider part of the centre were cordoned off. Scottish police confirmed that a male suspect has been shot. The police did not comment on his identity and possible motives.

According to the police, six people with injuries are cared for in the hospital. It concerns men between 17 and 53 years old.

One of the victims is a police officer who came to the scene. His condition is critical but stable.

British media, including the BBC, previously reported that three people were killed in the incident, but that report was not confirmed by an official body and was later withdrawn.

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