Saturday, July 27

Russia is Fining Tiktok for Calls for Protests

TikTok has been fined in Russia for failing to remove messages from the social medium about banned protests.


The company must therefore pay 2.6 million Russian rubles from the court in Moscow.

TikTok is not the only platform to come under fire in Russia for this type of messaging. Twitter was fined three more last week, totalling 8.9 million rubles. There are also lawsuits against Google, Facebook and Telegram. They would also have failed to remove illegal content.

According to Moscow, illegal content on TikTok was aimed at teenagers. They were called in films to participate in protests that expressed support for the imprisoned opposition leader and Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

In January, Russian authorities accused foreign social media of interfering with Russia’s internal affairs for not removing messages calling for support actions to Navalny. In January and February, there were several mass demonstrations in the country for the politician’s release.

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