Robert De Niro: “It Is Shameful What Trump Does”

Robert News

Robert De Niro: “It is Shameful what Trump Does.” Donald Trump (73) and Robert De Niro (76): they probably won’t become friends.


On Friday, the actor joined the premiere of his new film The Irishman behind a possible impeachment by the American president.

“I hope the deposition continues,” De Niro told.

“He’s such a good-for-nothing.

Trump’s shameful.

He knows no ethics, has no morals. He’s immoral.”

The actor has criticized Donald Trump several times.

In April, he described the president as a “huge loser” and a “fake gangster.”

At the Tony Awards in 2018, De Niro already said “f * ck Trump”,

after which he described the president as “someone with a very low IQ”.

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