Saturday, July 27

No Forced Redundancies for 700 KLM Cabin Employees

There will be no forced redundancies for 700 cabin employees of the airline KLM.


The trade union FNV Cabine and KLM have been hard at work (following the social plan) to prevent forced redundancies as much as possible through, for example, a voluntary departure scheme and secondment within KLM the union said.

Thanks to that commitment and flexibility, we have been able to avoid forced redundancies to date.

Now we are getting the final push; thanks to the improved prospects in aviation, KLM is able to withdraw the request for advice. This means that the dismissal of 500 FTEs (700 heads) of cabin crew members is definitely averted.

For FNV Cabine, this means that we see the light at the end of the tunnel and that we dare to think carefully about recovery ”, the union wrote in a statement.

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