Saturday, July 27

Mother Who Gave Birth at Home Can’t Go to Hospital Because of Corona

Because she couldn’t go to the hospital because of the corona, a mother who gave birth at home looked for and found a solution to weigh her baby. She put the little one on a scale at the nearby department store.


British Tasha Moss caught the attention of the other customers, but she saw no other solution. She wanted to know how much baby Freddie-Jay Moss weighed. But she couldn’t go to the hospital. So she went to the Mark and Spencer. She put her son on the scales in the fruit and vegetable department.

“We just walked past the fruit and veg section,” Tasha said. “I had Freddie in my arms; I had just finished feeding him and saw the scale. So I quickly put it on him.”

Afterwards, the 32-year-old mom wiped the scales with an alcohol wipe.

Many customers looked surprised, but no one commented. And the store manager didn’t mind either. “We all have to be creative in this difficult period,” said the head of the fruit and vegetable department. Still, it shouldn’t become a habit.

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