How to Get a Better Night Sleep-20 Help Tips

How to Get a Better Night Sleep-20 Help Tips

A comfortable mattress is apparently a must for a good night’s rest. Here we offer you twenty tips that can contribute to a healthy night’s sleep:

1. Sport:
If you work and move a lot during the day, this will promote your night’s sleep. The best moment to exercise is in the afternoon or early at night. Just before going to sleep, it works just counterproductive. Through sports, Adrenaline(Epinephrine) is released which it makes difficult to sleep. If you desire to exercise in the morning, you should exercise longer to influence the quality of your sleep more favourably.

2. Much daylight during the day:
Light ensures that the substance that makes us drowsy is not created and keeps the biological clock sharp. Therefore, make sure you see enough (day) light during the day, especially in the winter months, where it is darker for longer.

3. Dim the light in the evening:
When it gets dark, and your eyes get less light, your body makes the sleep hormone melatonin. This fabric will make you feel drowsy when it gets dark. Therefore, adjust the light level approximately two hours before bedtime.

4. Bedroom temperature:
According to scientists, the ideal bedroom temperature is around 18 degrees Celsius.

5. Mattress:
It is essential that you sleep on a mattress which is suitable for your sleeping position and is also comfortable. A mattress is best if it is not older than 10 years. This is approximately equal to 30,000 sleeping hours. Not only a good mattress can promote your sleep, but also a comfortable duvet, a well-fitting pillow and a bedroom where you feel at ease, contributes to sleeping comfort. If your lying comfort is not optimal, annoyances may arise and affect your sleep.

6. Sleep position:
If you know what your favourite sleeping position is, you can adjust your mattress and pillow accordingly. This way you can sleep extra comfortably in your ideal sleeping position.

7. Well darkened room:
Every light, however small, can hurt your sleep cycles and the quality of your sleep. If it is not entirely dark, this also inhibits the recovery process of your body.

8. No phone next to your bed:
Researchers have discovered that electromagnetic radiation can disturb your sleep. The electromagnetic radiation mainly comes from mobile phones, a wireless network (wifi) and electrical equipment. This radiation does not promote your night’s rest, and therefore there is no harm in not having mobile phones in the bedroom and turning off electrical equipment as much as possible before you go to bed.

9. Exercises:
Relaxing in the night is not always easy in our busy lives. By doing exercises before bedtime, you fall asleep more slowly.

10. Alcohol:
If you have drunk alcohol earlier going to sleep, you generally fall asleep faster. People who drink alcohol before bedtime also do not notice any adverse effects, but they are there. Sleep is less deep, and you wake up less rested. This is because the processes that start working at night do not work as well in combination with alcohol.

11. Caffeine:
A cup of coffee in a day cannot hurt. On the other hand, avoid caffeinated drinks before bedtime. Caffeine, black tea, chocolate and caffeinated coke can keep you out of sleep at night.

12. Sleep therapy:
This therapy sometimes works better than sleeping pills. Many people use sleeping pills that can have an addictive effect. We recommend you a sleep therapy. You can get back your good night’s rest through calming music, conversations and exercises.

13. Melatonin:
This substance ensures that your day and night rhythm is determined. When it gets dark, melatonin is produced so that we become drowsy. If there is still light, then the production decreases. Pills with this substance are therefore not a sleeping medication but a supplement. This supplement supports the body’s own melatonin, so your day and night rhythm is less disturbed.

14. Take milk and banana:
If you want to attempt something natural to promote your sleep, take a glass of milk or a banana before bedtime. These two products contain substances that favourably influence the melatonin content. Even at doctors, hot milk with honey, sugar or anise is in second place in the top 10 of the best advice on sleep problems.

15. Stress:
If you suffer from stress chronically, your night’s sleep often deteriorates. A more miserable night’s rest makes you more irritable and even worse against stress. Because of this downward spiral, your night’s rest will completely deteriorate. By doing relaxation exercises, exercising more, keeping track clearly and writing down what still needs to be done to combat last minute work and to tackle problems in the same way, your stress can decrease. The most important thing is to relax well before bedtime and not to be busy with stressful thoughts.

16. Sleep mood:
Around 10 p.m. your sleep cycle is set in motion by the biological clock. Help to get this clock going a bit by dimming the light level in the room a bit. Also, switch off the television and computer one hour before bedtime. Try to go to bed every evening at the same time and do some relaxation exercises. By doing these things before going to sleep, you are already putting yourself in a kind of sleep mood so that you will fall asleep more quietly.

17. Tossing:
In bed, it is normal to turn every 10 minutes. If this does not happen, the blood circulation during sleep is less good, and you feel stiff when you wake up. This tossing is common when you are already sleeping and not before you go to sleep. If you cannot find your turn in bed and therefore cannot sleep, you better focus your attention on something else. Get up or read a book in subdued light. The turning can occur because you do not take enough rest during the day and because of this restlessly go to bed.

18. Sleep deprivation:
It is difficult to say when someone has a sleep shortage. Some people need a longer night’s rest than others. According to experts, you speak of sleep deprivation if you would not wake up without an alarm clock. If you have had enough sleep, you wake up from yourself before the alarm goes off.

19. Snoring:
If people get fat, snoring may develop, or the snoring may worsen. The walls of the pharynx become thicker so that the air cannot penetrate well through the pharynx. This can cause a snoring sound. If you lose weight, this wall becomes less thick again, which can reduce snoring. Because snoring is annoying not only for your partner but also for yourself!

20. Immediately stop:
If your alarm goes off, it is best to stand up quickly. If you’re going to ‘snooze’ for a while, you will wake up drowsy, and you will start slower. Therefore, if your alarm goes on, stand up immediately and get started immediately.

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