Saturday, July 27

Hong Kong

Again Riots Against Strict Corona Measures in the South Chinese Cities
China, Hong Kong

Again Riots Against Strict Corona Measures in the South Chinese Cities

In the South Chinese industrial city of Guangzhou (Canton), he brought severe riots tonight between the police and people tired of the strict corona measures. The local government has meanwhile weakened those measures to discourage the protest. In other Chinese cities, too, it has been argued against the tight zero-covid policy of the Chinese government. This morning the Government of Guangzhou announced the cancellation of the corona reductions in large parts of the city. According to witnesses, the security services that forced people to stay in their apartments have disappeared. There would also be an end to the massive testing of people. The relaxation of the measures follows a night of severe riots in specific neighbourhoods in Guangzhou. The police attempted protected b...
Beijing is More Boss Than Ever in Hong Kong: Pro-China Parties Dominate Parliament After Controversial Elections
China, Hong Kong, News

Beijing is More Boss Than Ever in Hong Kong: Pro-China Parties Dominate Parliament After Controversial Elections

In Hong Kong, the pro-China parties have won the parliamentary elections as expected. Critics of the current government are talking about fake elections because virtually all pro-democracy candidates were banned from the electoral lists. Turnout was historically low at just 30 percent.   Yesterday's parliamentary elections were the first after the significant protest movement for more democracy and less influence from the Chinese government in Hong Kong. In the second half of 2019, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest for months until the corona pandemic put an end to that. Hong Kong is an urban region that was a British colony for a long time. In 1997, the region rejoined China under "one country, two systems". Hong Kong was promised special rights and freedo...
The Authorities in Hong Kong are Imposing New Restrictions on Residents
Hong Kong, News

The Authorities in Hong Kong are Imposing New Restrictions on Residents

The authorities in Hong Kong are imposing new restrictions on residents from Wednesday to stop the spread of the coronavirus.   In public, for example, people may only meet in groups of four. Wearing face masks in public transport is also made mandatory, reports the South China Morning Post newspaper. Some 1,500 infections have so far been detected in the metropolis, and eight patients have died. Dozens of people who have recently tested positive for the virus do not know where they got infected. "The main problem is that many cases cannot be traced. So the chances of a major outbreak are high if we don't tighten up the rules," said a government adviser. The authorities in the metropolis had already taken similar measures earlier this year, but they relaxed later because the outb...