Alcohol in Downing Street Only Allowed in Formal Meetings

Alcohol in Downing Street Only Allowed in Formal Meetings

After the illegal parties at 10 Downing Street, the seat of the British government, during the corona pandemic, the serving of alcohol is now banned. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new rules on Thursday, a spokesman said.


10 Downing Street employees will only be allowed to consume alcohol at formal meetings and events, such as visits by leading international politicians. “Social events” are still possible, but only under the new rules.

The long-awaited investigative report by top British civil servant Sue Gray on Wednesday revealed that during the corona lockdowns, parties were repeatedly held in the British Prime Minister’s residence, with alcohol flowing freely. Authorized officials instigated the parties, but they were also kept hidden.

According to the Johnson spokesperson, the guidelines now clearly state that “excessive alcohol consumption or consumption that impairs judgment is not appropriate.”

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