According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the benefits of AstraZeneca’s corona vaccine outweigh the drawbacks some side effects can have, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The data are known to the WHO does not show that there is an increased risk of complications such as thrombosis or a lower number of platelets.
“It has tremendous potential to prevent infections and deaths around the world,” the WHO said in a statement. Several European countries, including the Netherlands, recently stopped using the vaccine temporarily due to possible side effects such as blood clots.
After a piece of positive advice from the European Medicines Council (EMA) on Thursday, almost all countries decided to use the drug again. Only Denmark, Norway, Sweden and, since Friday, Finland are temporarily not using the drug.
The WHO states that the mentioned complications occur less often than thought in vaccinees. The numbers are no higher than in people who have not received an injection. In addition, according to the WHO, it is not yet certain that the AstraZeneca vaccine caused thrombosis in vaccinated people.