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Russian Z Symbol could Lead to Prosecution in Germany

Persons displaying the letter Z in Germany as a symbol of support for Russia in the war in Ukraine could face criminal charges. The Ministry of the Interior reports that several federal states stated that they would proceed with criminalization.


A spokesman said that the use of the letter Z is not prohibited but can also be used to condone Russian aggression. The letter quickly became a pro-Russian symbol among Russian soldiers in Ukraine and supporters of the war.

The ministry spokesman described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as “a criminal act”. “Those who publicly support this war could face prosecution.” At a press conference, it was said that federal authorities monitor the use of the symbol and welcome the states’ decision.

Lower Saxony and Bavaria announced on Friday that they are criminalizing the use of the Z symbol. The city of Stuttgart is also in favour of this, as is the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Berlin also wants to criminalize the pro-Russian sign. There, a local minister pointed to the criminal code, which states that condoning certain crimes can be punished with three years in prison or a fine.

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