Saturday, July 27

France Does Not Relax Measures in the Event of A Bad Situation

The French government wants to relax the lockdown, but will not do so if the daily number of detected contamination cases is above 3000 on May 11, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced in parliament.


According to him, research has shown that strict French measures have saved 62,000 lives. However, the current situation cannot continue for much longer, the Prime Minister said.

According to Philippe, the French economy is likely to collapse if the lockdown continues.

He said that there is still no question of group immunity, but it is time for the French to learn to live with the virus and to protect themselves.

On May 7, the government will publish an overview of the departments where strict restrictions will be maintained.

The French hospital care system has survived the crisis well, according to Philippe, but the second wave of infection remains a real risk, he says.

The country now imports 100,000 mouth masks every week. Enough for after the lockdown, the prime minister said.

As of May 11, 700,000 tests can be performed in France at the state’s expense, Philippe said.

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