Saturday, July 27


The US Wants to Establish Hundreds of Emergency Hospitals to Fight Corona
News, US

The US Wants to Establish Hundreds of Emergency Hospitals to Fight Corona

The United States wants to establish hundreds of emergency hospitals to reduce the pressure that the coronavirus has placed on the healthcare system.   On Tuesday, about 16,000 new infections were diagnosed, bringing the number of infections in the country to a total of nearly 180,000. Due to the high rate of contamination, the US military is looking for hotels, dormitories, convention centres, and large open spaces to accommodate 341 emergency hospitals. Chief of the US military engineering department Todd Semonite said on Tuesday in the Good Morning America television program. The military's engineering department is already converting a convention centre in New York into an emergency hospital with at least a thousand beds. A field hospital is also being set up in Central Park....
Donald Trump Expects A Peak in Daily Deaths Due to the Coronavirus in Two Weeks
News, US

Donald Trump Expects A Peak in Daily Deaths Due to the Coronavirus in Two Weeks

President Donald Trump expects the peak in daily deaths in the US due to the coronavirus in two weeks. The rules for maintaining "social distance" from each other therefore remain in force until April 30.   The president announced this last night during a press conference in the White House. He previously reported that Easter would simply be "business as usual" in the US again at Easter. Trump expects the number of deaths to rise sharply shortly. "If we can suppress the total number of deaths too, say, 100,000 to 200,000, then we would all have done very well." "Without measures, he thinks that about 2.2 million Americans could die from the lung virus. "So it is imperative that everyone adheres strictly to the guidelines." The president expects the country to be "on the road to r...
US and NATO May Leave Afghanistan in 14 Months
News, US

US and NATO May Leave Afghanistan in 14 Months

US and NATO troops can be withdrawn from Afghanistan within fourteen months if the Taliban adhere to the agreements made.   The American and Afghan governments have announced this in a joint statement. The US and the Taliban have signed a basic agreement after one and a half years of negotiations to bring peace to the country eventually. One of the first steps towards peace would be the withdrawal of the first 8,600 US soldiers within 135 days of signing the agreement. The signature must take place in Qatar on Saturday.
Roger Stone Trump’s Former Adviser Gets More Than 3 Years in Jail
News, US

Roger Stone Trump’s Former Adviser Gets More Than 3 Years in Jail

Roger Stone (67), friend, adviser and former campaigner of President Trump, has been sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison. He was punished for lying to Congress, obstruction of the judicial process and improper influencing of witnesses.Stone was found guilty in November for his role in the so-called Mueller investigation into the Russian connections of the Trump campaign team. Prosecutors wanted Stone to be in jail for between seven and nine years.US President Trump then intervened and became angry. Justice Minister William Barr decided to speak.His ministry stated that the requirement was excessive and should be lowered. The four prosecutors who were on the case decided to hand over the case after the ministerial interference.Federal judge Amy Berman Jackson, appointed under P...
Again A Trump Republican Challenger Gives Up
News, US

Again A Trump Republican Challenger Gives Up

Once again a Republican challenger from President Donald Trump throws in the towel. Joe Walsh announced Friday that he would leave the US presidential race after receiving 1.1 percent of Republican voters in the Iowa primaries.   Because of this, Trump has only one Republican opponent left, former Massachusetts state governor Bill Weld. He received 1.3 percent of the votes in Iowa. Walsh, a presenter of a conservative radio show and former Republican legislator of the state of Illinois, is an outspoken critic of Trump. "I started my campaign because I thought it was important that there was a Republican who says every day how unsuitable Trump is for the presidency," Walsh said in an interview with CNN on Friday. He also said that he would vote for a Democrat in November. Although...
Impeachment Trump is An Attack on the US Constitution
News, US

Impeachment Trump is An Attack on the US Constitution

US President Donald Trump's attorneys have stressed in the Senate that the allegations against Trump do not make sense and attack the constitution and democratic institutions.   The charges are the result of an unfair process initiated by Democrats, according to counsel, and should, therefore, be rejected by the Senate as soon as possible. From Tuesday, the Senate must judge as a jury about the allegations against the president. These were drawn up by his Democratic representatives in the House of Representatives. A majority of the hundred senators are expected to acquit Trump.
China and US Agreement does not Stop the Trade War
China, News, US

China and US Agreement does not Stop the Trade War

The signing of the Phase 1 trade agreement by China and the United States later this week does not end the trade war between the economic superpowers.   Deputy President Myron Brilliant of the American Chamber of Commerce warns about this. According to Brilliant, who explained in Beijing, it applies to both camps that there will have been a sigh of relief. But he immediately added that it is essential that both countries demonstrate the need to make progress in the phase 2 negotiations. He pointed out, among other things, that there are no structural solutions for specific "core issues" yet. Brilliant cited the Chinese subsidies for state-owned companies and industrial policy as an example of an uneven playing field. Also, the US maintained $ 370 billion in taxes on Chinese goods...
No More TikTok for American Soldiers
News, US

No More TikTok for American Soldiers

No More TikTok for American Soldiers. American soldiers are no longer allowed to make videos with TikTok.   The Chinese video app has been banned by the army and the navy because it is a "cyber hazard", the military news site and CNN report. "We don't allow it on government telephones," the army departments say. It is not known whether the US Air Force and Marines also prohibit TikTok.   The army leadership cannot forbid soldiers to use TikTok on their own telephones but can call for restraint. TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. US officials have been saying that the app is a security risk for some time. Personal data from soldiers and civil servants could end up in Chinese hands.
Former President Barack Obama: Women are Undeniably Better than Men
News, US

Former President Barack Obama: Women are Undeniably Better than Men

"Women are not perfect, but they are undeniably better than men," said former US President Barack Obama at a leadership event in Singapore.   According to the former president, among other things, the standard of living would also improve if a female leader were to be present in all countries of the world for two years. Barack Obama, who was president of the United States from 2009 to 2017, also spoke about political polarisation and the use of social media to spread untruths writes BBC. But the most remarkable statements made by the ex-president at the private event were about women's leadership qualities. "Women, I want you to know that you are not perfect, but you are undeniably better than us (men)," Obama said. According to the former president, the standard of living would ...
Trump Impeachment Will Go Ahead as Pelosi Tells Congress to File Charges
News, US

Trump Impeachment Will Go Ahead as Pelosi Tells Congress to File Charges

House of Representative's Democratic President, Nancy Pelosi, believes that there is sufficient ground to formally commence the settlement method against President Trump.   She has therefore asked the Chairman of the House of Representatives' Justice Committee to prepare formal charges that might lead to the President getting deposed. It could probably be voted on around Xmas. Pelosi offered extensively through the US constitution in a six-second debate and said that 2 months of investigation on Trump's contacts with Ukraine had made it very clear that Trump experienced acted in violation from the constitution. The leader have been responsible for mistreatment of power for his political acquire. By buy of Trump, Ukraine should have collected incriminating proof against his alleged...