Saturday, July 27


Portugal Breaks Daily Record For Corona Deaths
Europe, News, Portugal

Portugal Breaks Daily Record For Corona Deaths

In Portugal yesterday, the sad daily record for corona deaths was broken, the prime minister talks about "the worst phase of the pandemic" where the country is now continuing.   A correspondent in Portugal José da Silva Marcos confirms in "The morning" on Radio 1 that the country has to present poor corona figures. "The worst phase will certainly follow in the next two weeks. Even if you look at the hospitals, they can hardly handle it." In Portugal, a sad day record was broken yesterday with 167 corona deaths. The country has had the most corona deaths in one day since the start of the epidemic. "There is an average of 10,000 corona patients per day, which is sky high," said correspondent José da Silva Marcos. "The mortality has exceeded 100. Yesterday there was a record 167 coro...