Saturday, July 27

Biden on Trump’s Don’t Be Afraid: Tell That to the 205,000 Families Who Lost Someone

Biden on Trump’s Don’t Be Afraid: Tell That to the 205,000 Families Who Lost Someone. Four days after the news of his corona infection, US President Donald Trump left the hospital.


Although not yet cured, he walked out of Walter Reed military hospital last night and flew back to the White House by presidential helicopter.

“Don’t be afraid of the virus,” he tweeted earlier in the day. His opposing in the fight for the presidency, Joe Biden, has little understanding for the latter.

On his departure from the hospital, Trump wore a face mask and walked on his own to the car that would take him to the chopper. Even after landing on the lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the president wore the mask.

Trump waved, raised his thumb, and walked in. From the balcony he saluted the American flag and spoke to the people … he had already taken off the mouth mask.

Trump is feeling very well, he said via Twitter earlier in the day. “Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it rule your life. We’ve developed some really great medicine and knowledge under the Trump administration.

I feel better than 20 years ago! “It sounded. Trump would not have had a fever for over 72 hours, but his doctors say he is not yet cured.

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