TikTok Again Allowed In India

Albania Bans TikTok for a Year

TikTok again Allowed in India after a Promising approach to pornographic Images. The use of the TikTok video app is legal again in India.


The Indian Supreme Court of the state of Tamil Nadu has lifted the temporary ban on downloading the app, according to the reports.

At the beginning of April, the court concluded that the app should no longer be downloaded due to the circulation of pornographic and other ‘unwanted’ content.

The Indian government then asked Google and Apple to remove the app from their app stores.

ByteDance, the company behind TikTok, has promised actions to prevent the spread of unwanted images.

The Chinese company also states that it is not responsible for the content that its users upload.

TikTok, which previously operated under the name Musical.ly in the Netherlands,

 has around 88 million users in India.

With the app, it is possible to record short videos and share them with friends and other users.

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