Flight staff of the airline KLM wants an exemption from the mandatory rapid test that will apply to all people travelling to the Netherlands.
Cabin trade union VNC, the largest at KLM, has urged the Lower House to do so. If the exemption is not granted, then the end of society is imminent, it sounds.
KLM said earlier that it would be impossible to operate intercontinental flights due to the mandatory quick test that everyone flying to the Netherlands must submit.
If flight personnel also have to take such a test, the airline runs the risk of employees being left behind. KLM has already indicated that it will not go crews abroad.
According to the airline, when the stricter rules are introduced, all intercontinental flights will be in jeopardy from Friday. KLM now operates around 270 flights a week, which also includes cargo flights for medical supplies.
These are practically no longer feasible due to the strict measures, as are repatriation flights.