President Trump Wants to Reverse Loss in the State of Wisconsin

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President Donald Trump makes another attempt to reverse his loss in the US presidential election. He took legal action against Wisconsin state authorities.


The state had confirmed the day before that Trump’s rival Biden had won the majority there. As a result, Biden’s national victory has become even stronger.

Regional media are talking about a last-ditch effort to reclaim a state. In Wisconsin, Trump lost about 20,700 votes. The Republican president filed a lawsuit against the governor, who is a party member of the Democrat Biden.

Trump has made virtually no progress with lawsuits in other states that were decisive for Biden’s election victory.

Time is running out, American media emphasize. By law, the results of each state are fixed if not successfully challenged before December 8.

The winner of the presidential election will be finally determined by a college of electors, which will meet on December 14.

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