As soon as the children are born, they already have their kingdom: the nursery. However, you can make some mistakes when setting up. Which one exactly? Read it yourself …
It is an exclusive affair of the heart of every mother that her child has a beautiful room: a place where she can feel at home. For this to be true, the room must not only convince visually but also be functional and tailored to the life of the baby.
At the same time, one should say goodbye to the idea of a puristically tidy nursery.
1. Making children’s heroes a topic
Children quickly become enthusiastic about specific issues. Suddenly, it’s all about “Frozen,” “Cars,” or “Star Wars.” Much to the delight of the children, many parents follow these trends – and even set up the nursery in the appropriate style. But as soon as the enthusiasm has come, she flies away again. And suddenly the child finds the recently furnished nursery still quite stupid.
Because maybe another child hero is now more trendy. Or because it has grown out of old age. So if you do not want to set up a new nursery every few months, keep it as neutral as possible. Children’s heroes can still be discussed, but not in the form of (hopefully) durable wallpapers or furniture, but instead with small details.
2. Not appropriate for children
A nursery requires plenty of storage space to accommodate toys. However, if cabinets are not accessible to the child because they are too high, the trouble is inevitable. The child either starts climbing (Attention!) Or is continually calling for mom or dad. That’s precisely what you can avoid: placing cabinets at the child’s reach. Even drawers should only be so densely filled that the child can open them.
3. No darkening possible
Sure, bright rooms are beautiful. They look friendly and, moreover, if we are honest, it is much easier to stay in light-flooded rooms. A great flair – but in the nursery is often forgotten that it also needs to be darkened. For many children, there is no sleep without darkness. Of course, that also affects the parents.
4. Do not set up a cuddly playground
Small children like to cuddle – and that’s a good thing. Between wardrobe, bed and play mat should therefore always find a little corner in which the child can come to rest, look at a book or dream.
5. Do not place a malt or a desk
The child paints or does his homework in the living room or the dining room? That’s not a problem. Nevertheless, it should also have the opportunity to be creative in his place.